Get all products for a store

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10 yıl önce

I'm working on a widget and I need to get a pull X number of random products from the entire catalog for a particular store. Can someone recommend the best way to do this? Would it be a LINQ query?

10 yıl önce
Ah, I think I've found it, should I be using the SearchProducts method?
10 yıl önce
You could, but how would you deal with the "random"?  (Getting "all" products and doing random on the client side [controller] could be expensive if you have a lot of products)
10 yıl önce
Yeah it doesn't feel right. Could you recommend an alternative?
10 yıl önce
See this
(and Google home page random)

If you need to only randomize products having ShowOnHomePage set, it's probably OK.  But it does not deal with problem/performance of getting all products.
The Product table has an index on ShowOnHomePage column.  Depending on how often you need to randomize, maybe you could have a background process change which products have it set.
10 yıl önce
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