Missing Campaign Images

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10 yıl önce

I have a problem with images from campaign emails
the image is not displayed or included

when I check the source code for the image sent its:


image shows fine in setup just missing when sent

Please help..
How can I fix this?

10 yıl önce
First of all, please do not duplicate forum topics.

And it's not the bug. You should specify the full absolutely URL (including store URL). Email clients do not work with relative paths. Any email compaign should contain absolutely image paths
10 yıl önce

I wasn't sure which post to respond to so I'm sorry if this is incorrect but I wanted to know if you can help me with my issue.  

Here is what I posted on the other thread:

I'm not a coder, so I'm a little confused as to what I need to do to resolve my issue.

I am having trouble with my images not being included in emails (message templates and campaigns), the editor is shortening the links to ../../../content/images/thumbs/imagename.png   What code do I need to modify for this to be corrected?  

I do not need the uploader to work now, I have set up ftp.  


How can I get the absolute link to stay in the email?   When I create the link, and then go back and look at it in the editor, it has been shortened.

10 yıl önce
UserThomas wrote:
How can I get the absolute link to stay in the email?

When you add an image in the editor you can specify image source. By default, it's relative ../content/.../file-name.jpg. You have to manually change it to http://www.yourstore.com/content/.../file-name.jpg

Just tested in on our demo site. Everything works fine
10 yıl önce
a.m. wrote:
When you add an image in the editor you can specify image source. By default, it's relative ../content/.../file-name.jpg. You have to manually change it to http://www.yourstore.com/content/.../file-name.jpg

When I insert an image with the absolute url, it shows up in the editor but then if I click on the image settings, it has already changed it.

Do I need to disable the WYSIWYG editor and just put in html code made elsewhere?
10 yıl önce
Do you experience this issue on our admin demo site? It works fine for me
10 yıl önce
a.m. wrote:
Do you experience this issue on our admin demo site? It works fine for me

Thanks for the fast feedback.
No. Your demo works. I used the same link I am trying on my site with no problem.   How should I resolve this?  3.30
10 yıl önce
UserThomas wrote:

It's  hard to say where the issue is on your side because you can see it works fine out of the box.

also see this forum topic. maybe, you're using "buggy" editor. the fix is described in that topic
10 yıl önce
OK. I'm going to download the editor from that other thread and try and replace it on the site. I'll let you know if it works. Thanks.
10 yıl önce
No luck.  I updated the editor and still the same thing.  Any thoughts? Thanks again.
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