bug? ExportManager.cs (row 1030) BillingCountry instead of ShippingCountry

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14 yıl önce

forgive me if this is not the right place to submit bug suspicions, but I couldn't find a better one (please address me to the right place).

In nopCommerce 1.40, inside the source file:


around row 1030, in method ExportOrdersToXLS, there's:

sb.Append('"'); sb.Append(order.ShippingStateProvince.Replace('"', '\'')); sb.Append("\",");
sb.Append('"'); sb.Append(order.ShippingZipPostalCode.Replace('"', '\'')); sb.Append("\",");
sb.Append('"'); sb.Append(order.BillingCountry.Replace('"', '\'')); sb.Append("\",");
sb.Append('"'); sb.Append(order.ShippingMethod.Replace('"', '\'')); sb.Append("\",");

Shouldn't it be ShippingCountry?


14 yıl önce
You're right. We'll fix it in the next release
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