nopCommerce Enterprise Edition v2.00 released (UPDATE: There's no Enterprise edition)

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14 yıl önce
found this on the site -

1.You will be permitted to generate one license key for a single domain name, IP address, or host/computer name for each Website allowed under this license. Website's without a valid license key, or accessed via domain, IP Address, or host/computer name other than that for which the license key was generated, will display the text "This nopCommerce based site is not licensed" or text that is materially similar in meaning.  You’re not permitted under any circumstances to make modifications to the "Product" or the Website's visual design, or otherwise take action to hide, obscure, or make this text unreadable in any manner.

I guess one could use a redirect.  but:
- Kind of makes a mockery of the licence,with such a simple work around
- An enterprise licence should have more than 1 domain.  Hardly sounds like enterprise
- Even though there is a workaround, it is not as good.  I use different URL's for different geographical area's.  This is now not a commercially viable option.
14 yıl önce
First of all, I want to say we WILL BE developing the open source edition. We plan to release the next Community Edition in 3 weeks. And it'll contain all known bugs fixed and some of improvements. There always will be the free edition!!!

I appreciate that some people are taking the time to put some detail into this and describe their needs, instead of just saying "it sucks".

Like most of open source projects, we haven’t solved the financial issues of maintaining our work. We have almost no money and no income.

But if you need full product support or some of hightlight features (such as gift cards or recurring product), then you can think about purchasing the Enterprise Edition. If you don't want to pay for the Enterprise edition, then you can use the Community Edition.

P.S. We reduced the price to $399 because we agree that $899 is too high for the first Enterprise release.
14 yıl önce

I think that there is something right of what Andrei said, finance is a big issue that only the team will suffer from it.

They are putting effort, time and knowledge for doing NOP, and others are using it freely make money,
I believe in open source, but the main problem facing open source is financing, also every body must know that this product is done under Microsoft technology which is a paid technology (so they need to pay license, servers …)

I can understand that some people feel bad of this, and I am one of them my first feel was that I am cheated, but then I asked my self  did I pay $1 to support the team (not yet) so they need either to be supported or having a  paid and free products.

From the other side I think that the team should price fixed amount of money (IF THEY BELIEVE IN OPEN SOURCE), and don’t charge for coming updates and upgrades (and not free updates for one year).
14 yıl önce
Does Enterprise edition has full multilanguage support including products and categories as it was asked multiple times? I could not check it with the demo store due to the lack of permissions. If not that defenetily needs to be sorted, i don't know any paid shopping cart that doesn't have it implemented.

Also it's not clear if source code is included with Enterprise edition, I gues it's not. In this case it would be very dificult for the existing nop users to justify switching to enterprise edition and loosing all the customization and many hours of work that was put into nop community edition. The main problem is the very limited ability to extend and customize nop websites without touching the core. For example I have done quite a few changes that required changing the source code and i would not trade them for the entreprise edition. So that probably another thing to think about, how to bring the existing nop customers with customized shopping carts to the enterprise edition.

I would personally target existing nop customers who know the shopping cart and appreciate the technology rather than the new ones, as it would be hard to convince why nopcommerce is better than millions of other paid shopping carts. In this case you need to come up with some solution for updating existing websites to enterprise edition and at the same time living option to do further customization.
14 yıl önce
Full multilanguage support including products and categories will be available in the next Enterprise Edition (June).

Regarding source code availability. This edition includes access to source code (only licensing code is encrypted). Upgrade script from Community Edition 1.4 is also included.
14 yıl önce
That's good news.
Do I understand correctly that Enterprise edition is using the open source community edition with some extra functionality compiled and put on top of that? In this case would you consider splitting these extra features into separate modules that can be bought separately.
Also I I don't see how enterprise edition can have multilanguage support without having it in open source nop? Does it mean that nop community edition will have multi language in June as well?
14 yıl önce
You're absolutely right. It was based on nopCommerce Community Edition. It'll be much easier to integrate those new features into Community Edition rather than implementing separate modules.

Regarding multi language support in Communit Edition. I'll think about it. And as I've already written some of the enterprise-only feature will be integrated into Community Edition later.
14 yıl önce
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
Full multilanguage support including products and categories will be available in the next Enterprise Edition (June).

Regarding source code availability. This edition includes access to source code (only licensing code is encrypted). Upgrade script from Community Edition 1.4 is also included.

Hi people,

Can you give an example of "only licensing code is encrypted"?, what kind of code is encrypted?

For example, new gif cards or discount cuppons modules are encrypted?

Something else, what kind of funtionalities doesn't have nopcommerce that other ecommerce paid solutions haves (magento for example). I miss historic grapichs and reportings, multilanguaje, best product search methods...

People, what other ecommerce paid solutions you recomend programmed on C# whit source code available?

Thanks a lot.

P.S: I think that is to early for an enterprise pay version, a lot of basic improves are required. However, i think that nop team have done a good work and i appreciate it.
14 yıl önce
sabueXo wrote:
Can you give an example of "only licensing code is encrypted"?, what kind of code is encrypted?

For example, new gif cards or discount cuppons modules are encrypted?

We have encrypted the source code related to licensing mechanism (validation of a license file for purchased domain URL). New gift cards or discount cuppons modules are available with souce codes
14 yıl önce
Hi Andrei

Thanks for clearing up the release of the community edition with these improvements in.

I personally would prefer to pay for individual modules that bring added benefit as need be. But I am happy to follow your lead as you see fit, after all we are very grateful.

I feel your best bet to make me decide on the purchasing of enterprise edition is based on how well the improvements have implemented in the community edition. If we could see a community release with bug fixes and some new features, that would be really good. Is there a fixed date?

As many business are starting to seriously use Nop now, keeping them in the dark is not professional. Monetising a project is a great idea and many people WILL pay. But people are running their businesses often 3-6-12 months in advance and the website software is a major commitment especially when it is a powerful as your system.

I am not particularly happy, we have been holding off moving to a new server host and new set of design features and a raft of product changes as we knew the next version was coming out yesterday, then you announce its chargeable with NO prior warning and also not releasing the community edition alongside it at the same time.

It is important for freelance/private developers like me to keep our clients informed and help make their business decisions with them. This decision clearly has not helped many of us and in the future similar cloak and dagger decisions could cause issues. I have to explain to my client he is going to have to wait 3 weeks more or pay for the styling and donkey work to be done twice...

I am embarking on paid changes with one of your partners at the moment, which I did offer to you first. I think the community could benefit from a 12 month roadmap for the software, I appreciate you cannot set it in stone, but people will want to see commitment with some indication of time scales and your plans.

I feel you have built something that has the potential to become world-class and I wish you every success. But, please don't forget the little guys like us, because your decisions influence our success... or failure...

P.S Enterprise version, is it a one-off payment, then you benefit from every new enterprise feature in the future? or per release?

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