nopCommerce Enterprise Edition v2.00 released (UPDATE: There's no Enterprise edition)

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14 yıl önce
It's great that people are now talking about contributing back to the project. Money of course is great but with such a long list of suggestions and good ideas we really need code contributions. So download the source, break out VS and get cracking :)
14 yıl önce
Ardei, please add a sponsoer link. As a programmer following nop for almost 1 year, I think I need to do some thing for real. I know what hard finance for the team is about. I will definately donate some for your hard work!

Many thanks for your fantanstic work. Keep on going!

14 yıl önce
larrylan wrote:
Ardei, please add a sponsoer link. As a programmer following nop for almost 1 year, I think I need to do some thing for real. I know what hard finance for the team is about. I will definately donate some for your hard work!

Many thanks for your fantanstic work. Keep on going!


Larry look in Partners.
14 yıl önce
As a community we need a more collaborative way to actively contribute in more organized way. We need a central repository of code source, whether in Codeplex or somewhere else (personally work with Mercurial and could make a mirror of the sources in bitbucket).

We need a way to upload plugins and patches on our own, not only code dispersed in forums, without needing to be sending an email at Nop Team.

In short follow the guidelines of the Magento community.

Magento has clearly defined its community and enterprise versions, free and pay plugins (both Magento team Plugins and third part Plugins).
14 yıl önce
larrylan wrote:
Ardei, please add a sponsoer link. As a programmer following nop for almost 1 year, I think I need to do some thing for real. I know what hard finance for the team is about. I will definately donate some for your hard work!

Many thanks for your fantanstic work. Keep on going!


Here's the link for contributing in Sponsorship Program : Sponsorship Program Link

Guys it's our turn now to make nopCommerce team happy, Just like they made us happy by proving us another free version of nopCommerce project, a humble request to everyone if you can afford the sponsorship program then please contribute something.
14 yıl önce
Thanks for releasing the "enterprise" version for free :-)

I'm not sure an enterprise version is the way forward - at least not the way that you tried to do it...

Possibly something like this would work better:

The "core" product is ALWAYS free - parts of the system are rewritten so that extensions will work across different versions - i.e. a paypal extension will work in 1.5, 1.6, 2.0 etc. As much of the system as possible is designed to be extensible.

The community product (also free) consists of the core plus enough extensions to get a basic shopping cart off the ground (pay pal, google checkout, basic shipping modules, etc)

Additional extensions are available from this site - some of which are free, some paid for... for example premium payment options (e.g. SagePay, eWay)

Third party extensions can be free or paid - if paid, nop solutions should take a commission.

Support and customisation is a paid for option (except for support from the community)

Possibly look into providing hosting for shopping carts - the monthly payments could work well and would stop the problem of people looking for hosting.
14 yıl önce
daycrom wrote:
We need a way to upload plugins and patches on our own, not only code dispersed in forums, without needing to be sending an email at Nop Team.

This is exactly why I haven't contributed any code for all of this year, The nopCommerce project on Codeplex is out of date since we were advised to stop using it last year. Without a central source control repository I am not comfortable contributing because I do not know how or if my contributions remain relevant.

If I'd been able to check my code into a central repository then I would have been inclined to submit work done on several features where the work has been duplicated in version 1.5. Ah well at least there are still some features I've worked on that can be contributed - once there's a central repository to contribute to!
14 yıl önce
Tzael wrote:

This is exactly why I haven't contributed any code for all of this year, The nopCommerce project on Codeplex is out of date since we were advised to stop using it last year. Without a central source control repository I am not comfortable contributing because I do not know how or if my contributions remain relevant.

If I'd been able to check my code into a central repository then I would have been inclined to submit work done on several features where the work has been duplicated in version 1.5. Ah well at least there are still some features I've worked on that can be contributed - once there's a central repository to contribute to!

This is something i have to agree apon. I have noticed the same problem with this project. Our company did so many changes and where willing to give it all out to the open source community, but somehowe we felt like its not going to be used as it should so we gave up on it. We had 8 developers working on this software fulltime for over a year now and with our upgrades we made it into a indrustry grade application. Now we are also looking into creating entirely new project based on NOPCommerce and publish it to open source separatley. The reason why we will not contribute to this project in general is because we made so much changes on the base it self that it will be impossible to blend it in with existing nop. Our aplication is running with over 500 000 products and was stress tested to handle allot. NOP it self crashes on load with only 10 000 products and is taking long time to render pages. If nop wants to go enterprise they will have to rewrite the entire base of the nop it self in order to accomodate some industry standards.
14 yıl önce
Okay so we need to make it a little easier to contribute to the project, that's a given. The sad fact is, people could have contributed, even by email, but didn't. I've seen some fantastic sites built on nopCommerce with some obvious extensions yet so little is brought back into the project.

My suggestion:

Everyone should be free to download the latest source from codeplex (using TFS or SubVersion). If you want to contribute a patch / feature then you can do this on the codeplex site. It would be nice to implement some kind of points scheme so that contributors can get recognition for their help on the project.

Those people who regularly contribute code that is well tested and requires little modification will be considered for commit access.

This is exactly how projects like mojoPortal work - see

Andrei, do you agree with this?
14 yıl önce
It's interesting that with all these suggestions of "we should all be contributing" there are only 3 sponsors in these posts.
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