
This topic was automatically closed 365 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.
14 yıl önce
Is there anyway to change back to FCk Editor. PLEASE.... I need to be able to upload FLASH and Photos for the homepage text and other pages.

All help is greatly Appreciated.

14 yıl önce
But you're able to upload flash. Just click "<>" button at the bottom and you'll be switched to HTML mode. Then insert your flash script (<object>....)
14 yıl önce
mckenzie will help


I think the thing people have an issue with is not that they cannot display an image (as you say, they can use the <img> tag, but rather, fck editor actually allowed users to upload an image to the server.

perhaps an upload button (like for product images ) would be useful ( either in one location or wherever the ajax editor appears)

i wonder if it would be best if such a function uploaded original image size rather than automatic resize? there are pros and cons i guess ...
14 yıl önce
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
But you're able to upload flash. Just click "<>" button at the bottom and you'll be switched to HTML mode. Then insert your flash script (<object>....)

Andrei we can use Html TAG <object> for flash but the problem is, where should we upload the flash file ? because in the <object> tag we have to give src ="" so what location should we give ?

for images we can easily use <img> and in src="" we give direct link of image which we upload on websites like imageshack / photobucket etc but none of the websites allow us to upload .swf files

What's the solution for this problem ? Please Advise
14 yıl önce
I see this problem all the time with all sorts of web applications.  The Developers however which have good intentions lose track of the final goal which is the end user.

  In this case a business, a retailer, a wholesaler/distributor.  In most cases the end user or any of their staff are not adapt to coding, scripting, designing etc.  

Often what comes second nature to a seasoned developer is a major obstacle to others.

14 yıl önce
Sorry guys did not relize there was so many other post on this topic - when I did a seach they did not pull up. I dont have an issue inserting flah or photos using source view, but I am design a site for a client and that was something they are going to be in need of and they dont know HTML. so it would be helpfull to have an insert image with a upload so they can upload and insert at the same time.

BBeditor is nice and light weight and works well. But for developers who are using NOP for there clients this can hender a good selling point that clients like. Just my 2 cents.

Great Work on NOP ... love it.
14 yıl önce
mckenzie wrote:
Sorry guys did not relize there was so many other post on this topic - when I did a seach they did not pull up. I dont have an issue inserting flah or photos using source view, but I am design a site for a client and that was something they are going to be in need of and they dont know HTML. so it would be helpfull to have an insert image with a upload so they can upload and insert at the same time.

BBeditor is nice and light weight and works well. But for developers who are using NOP for there clients this can hender a good selling point that clients like. Just my 2 cents.

Great Work on NOP ... love it.

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