Wholesale Military Supply Site, Lots of customizations.

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14 yıl önce
Alright so its a work in progress, and I have a lot more planned for it, but tell me what you you think of my new layout.

14 yıl önce
The Tank on the bottom is actually a second background then the knife or gun and will always be on the bottom of the screen, so as more categories are added and the page gets longer, the tank moves down automatically.

The rounded corners on the header and on the titles (info box, category, newsletter...) was created by using 4 very small 100 byte (not kb) images and using the following code:

  background-color: #fcf000;
  background-image: url(images/topleftcorner.gif), url(images/toprightcorner.gif), url(images/bottomleftcorner.gif), url(images/bottomrightcorner.gif);
  background-position: left top, right top, left bottom, right bottom;

The logo slot was eliminated and was place on the background image, the knife, and logo are all part of the same background image, they are a .gif file that has the main portion cut out and made transparent, allowing the Tank (a seperate and different background image) to show through. This combination and elimination help create a more "wrapped" look on the site.

Background color and such to the main pages and box's were eliminated making them transparent (since I am wanting the same color, and wanting the Tank to show through) This helps lower page size as well speeding up the site)

Home page category titles were eliminated and margins were brought significantly in, picture size was risen to 200 and eliminating all margins allowing for a cleaner "closer" look.
14 yıl önce
I will be performing a significant larger amount of customizations to the site as well and will submit the coding/changes for anyone who may want them.

If you have suggestions for the site, I would love to hear them. There are a few sample items listed but the site will probably not be fully functional for shopping until this next week, probably around the 10th.
14 yıl önce
Just looking at http://www.wholesalemilitary.net/ in ie8 and can't see any background image at all just black?
14 yıl önce
Looks like background position in CSS is not recognized by ie8 and neither is the Facebook coding.

Dum but not much I can do about it.

Check it out in Firefox and tell me what you think
14 yıl önce
No background in firefox either - face book is there ? is it my computer
Checked chrome - yes ok
and safari - yes ok
purged ie8 cache and checked again - no good. closed and opened firefox window still no background
this sort of shit does my head in !!!!
All the best with it.
14 yıl önce
lol, It shows up fine for me in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox, its only IE8 thats not showing the background. Not a big deal, I can write a secondary code fir IE8. I checked it on 4 computers though with same results, so I am not sure why yours is not showing firefox.
14 yıl önce
works now - had to download the lastest version of firefox - thanks for the heads up !
14 yıl önce
nice website
14 yıl önce
Thank you, Any tips at all? or Ideas? I am still customizing nearly every day, eventually I will have changed most of the layout. And of course, all my changes will be submitted to this discussion so anyone looking to do similar things can have a go at it.
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