CCAvenue Cancel/Abort Transaction Exception

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8 yıl önce
Get the following error when the user cancels/aborts the transaction on the CCAvenue site. Any reason why this is happening?

Returning URL :

Error Message
order_id = 12
tracking_id = 1234567890
bank_ref_no = null
order_status = Aborted
failure_message =
payment_mode = null
card_name = null
status_code =
status_message = null
currency = INR
amount = 2030.08
billing_name = asd
billing_address = adasdasd asdasd
billing_city = asd asd
billing_state =
billing_zip = 10000
billing_country = IND
billing_tel = 999999999
billing_email = [email protected]
delivery_name = asdasd
delivery_address = adasdasd asdasd
delivery_city = asd asd
delivery_state =
delivery_zip = 10000
delivery_country = IND
delivery_tel = 999999999
merchant_param1 =
merchant_param2 =
merchant_param3 =
merchant_param4 =
merchant_param5 =
vault = N
offer_type = null
offer_code = null
discount_value = 0.0
mer_amount = 2030.08
Security Error. Illegal access detected
8 yıl önce
8 yıl önce
Unable to figure out. Help!
8 yıl önce

You got any solution..? same problem i am facing ...
8 yıl önce

I'm also facing same issue. Kindly share solution. If you found.

Hope our best nopcommerce team help to solve out it.

8 yıl önce
kulpreets wrote:
Get the following error when the user cancels/aborts the transaction on the CCAvenue site. Any reason why this is happening?

Returning URL :

Error Message
order_id = 12
tracking_id = 1234567890
bank_ref_no = null
order_status = Aborted
failure_message =
payment_mode = null
card_name = null
status_code =
status_message = null
currency = INR
amount = 2030.08
billing_name = asd
billing_address = adasdasd asdasd
billing_city = asd asd
billing_state =
billing_zip = 10000
billing_country = IND
billing_tel = 999999999
billing_email = [email protected]
delivery_name = asdasd
delivery_address = adasdasd asdasd
delivery_city = asd asd
delivery_state =
delivery_zip = 10000
delivery_country = IND
delivery_tel = 999999999
merchant_param1 =
merchant_param2 =
merchant_param3 =
merchant_param4 =
merchant_param5 =
vault = N
offer_type = null
offer_code = null
discount_value = 0.0
mer_amount = 2030.08
Security Error. Illegal access detected

Hello All ,
I have checked the source code of CCAVENUE Plugin. In Code no condition apply in case of Transaction cancel or Aborted in return. I have changed the source code as per my requirement and its working fine for me. So solution is your code. If you need any help just let me know. Hope it will help you.
6 yıl önce
can you please give solution code here.
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