Manufacturers grid on homepage

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8 yıl önce
Hi Guys

I'm working on a store at the moment, I've currently got a single column homepage which displays a grid of selected product categories using the show on homepage option.

I would like to have my manufacturers displayed in a grid underneath this product grid on the homepage, the same way they're displayed on the /manufacturer/all page. At the moment I only have FTP access to the theme directory and an admin access account. Is it possible to do this?

Thank you
8 yıl önce

unfortunately it's not possible to do this straight away. You can't just copy the manufacturer grid code into your home page view file. You have to do source code changes in order to get all manufacturers and return it as a partial view and then add it to your home page.
8 yıl önce
You can try this FREE plugin:

Hope this help :)
7 yıl önce
Ima9ine you have suggested such a plugin which is dependable on anther, both of the plugin are belongs to you. Are you trying to marketing on this forum. If yes, shame on you.
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