Taxes Different Countries

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12 yıl önce
Others agree that we have found a bug here?
We can workaround it by specifying the price without tax on all products (which can be a constraint).
But I also feel that the setting "Prices include tax" does not work to reduce the final price, even in 2.30.

The ideal situation would be as follows:
I'm in EU, my public price including tax is 100 €. I set this price in the product form and the parameter "Prices include tax" to true.
I set the tax is based on the shipping address and fill my default address (France for instance).
I set the "Tax By Country & State & Zip" provider.
Let's consider that the tax in France is 20%.

For my typical european customer the subtotal will be 100 € with VAT 20 € included.
If an american customer chooses a shipping address in NYC, I would like the product price to be at 80 € in the cart.

Best regards,
12 yıl önce
Hi, I have the same problem with follow error:
Invalid object name 'dbo.TaxRate'.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'dbo.TaxRate'.

Source Error:

Line 9:  @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.ConfigurationActionName))

Line 10: {

Line 11:     @Html.Action(Model.ConfigurationActionName, Model.ConfigurationControllerName, Model.ConfigurationRouteValues);

Line 12: }

Line 13: else

Source File: ........Administration\Views\Tax\ConfigureProvider.cshtml Line: 11

Any help please?

Thanks in advance
12 yıl önce

Does anybody find a solution to deduct the VAT value from Order Total when product prices include the VAT and the customer is tax exempt?

In 2.40 we only get the column VAT 0% instead of the different VAT rates definitions during checkout, but the order total is still the same (with or without VAT calculation).

12 yıl önce
Is this problem addressed in the latest versions of NC?
3 yıl önce
Had the same problem and its fixable in one line.
(Version 4.30)

Go to \Libraries\Nop.Services\Tax\TaxService.cs

Line 451:
return price;

return (price / (decimal)1.24) * (1 + taxRate / 100);

Where I have placed 1.24 you should use the Tax Rate that your country has as standard. For example Greece has 24% so I put 1.24. If your country has 30% put 1.30 etc.
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