Single SigOn with NopCommerce?

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14 yıl önce
Wouldn't that just be the
in your custom Web Application?
14 yıl önce
I believe that only works with SQLDatPRovider if I'm not mistaken. My custom application uses MySQL.
14 yıl önce
Got it to work using FormsAuthenticationTicket and creating an OnAuthenticate event handler in the CustomerLogin module (this is for version 1.5). Works like a charm and failry simple.
13 yıl önce
I'm looking to do a similar thing. Probably I'll use the NopCommerce database and not change much at that end, then write a membership provider for the other sites which use the same db. Looking like it will be a lengthy job. Anyone have code they can share or any hints/tips?
13 yıl önce
I would avoid writing your own provider and just use the one that comes with the nop software.
13 yıl önce
I wrote my own provider in the end, wasn't too difficult. I've changed the machineKey for all sites including NopCommerce, and changed the cookie name for all the other sites to match Nop, seems to work great on the bench.
11 yıl önce
I know this is an old post, but I struggled with it for a couple days... and nights...

Anyways, I have a website that's been running and I recently installed NopCommerce in a virtual directory.  In order to share authentication, I had to create an identical machine key under system.web in both web.config files and it works like a charm.  I may try and create my own login form for the original site, but for now, I just use the login under nopCommerce since it has everything I need.

I hope this will help someone in the future.
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