customer register easy question

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14 yıl önce

I am looking for the place in nop project where customers are registered.

I found modules/customerRegister.ascx.cs with method CreatedUser
but in this method there are only attributes inserted

I am looking for the place where nop_customer is filled with method customermanager.addCustomer(...

Thanks for the help!
14 yıl önce
try  libraries-->businesslogic-->customer-->CustomerManager.cs

there are other files in the folder which may also be relevant
14 yıl önce
Thanks for the reply.

I do find the method "addcustomer" in the dll files but I do not find where it is called with value for parameters....

14 yıl önce
They're using a membership provider.

Look in Libraries -> Profile -> StoreMembershipProvider.cs

There's a CreateUser method in there that gets called, it in turn calls the CustomerManager.AddCustomer method.
14 yıl önce

Thanks for the reply!
Hope I don't look silly with my next questions but now I am looking for parameters for CreateUser method :S
I cannot find where it is called...

Btw: I very like the pet website!
14 yıl önce

You are not alone.  I don't see where AddCustomer is called inside CustomerRegister either.

Maybe I am looking at the wrong place.  Would you point me where to look please?

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