Can't Log Out

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14 yıl önce
I simply can't log out of nopCommerce on my office computer. I am able to logout on other computers in the office. I deleted all cookies on my computer and have the browser set to look for new page every visit.

When I click log out, the log in screen shows up. My e-mail is displayed in the upper left of the screen since I am still logged in. If I log in with a different user id nothing changes.

Clicking to register as a new user doesn't work - the site hangs.

Any suggestions?

14 yıl önce
i experience this also using IE 8, i use my own computer so it is not an issue but for you i can see how its a major one

i've experienced some customer log in issues with IE - turned out to be their own browser settings
14 yıl önce
I wish I could come up with a solution. For now I will ignore the problem - don't have much of a choice. A possible workaround is to try a different browser as we both are using IE 8.

It is really only a problem when I need to test the checkout process as a guest or similar testing. If you come up with something let me know.
14 yıl önce
I have a similar issue with IE8 however, I can login/out if i'm but not if it's
14 yıl önce

Wow! Thanks for the tip. I was finally able to logout after getting rid of the "www" prefix. I consider this a good enough solution for me as I do not need to log out that often anyhow.

Thanks again,

14 yıl önce
I am having this issue also. Can we submit a bug report for this or is there a solution yet?
14 yıl önce
I was able to log out when navigating to the non www version of my site. After that the problem resolved itself. Now I can log out on both the www and non www versions of my site. Try that first.
13 yıl önce
Has anyone found an actual solution to this issue. I have a customer of mine who discovered this issue on his own (I had known about this for a while) and now is requesting I fix it. Ugg... Any suggestion on an actual fix would be most appreciated. Looking into code it's difficult to reproduce as it seems like it won't let go of a user's session. Even after closing the browser and deleting the cookies (which should work) seems to still allow the site to remember the user's login. I don't get how this thing knows who I am still unless it keeps track of my IP or something. :(
13 yıl önce
I think the general consensus is that it is not a problem worth prioritizing right now. There is also a similar issue concerning Firefox users- except the difference is that they can't log in (affects me too since I now use Fire Fox).

Luckily the Microsoft issue seems to only affect a small portion of users. And I presume that since only a relatively small number of internet users  use Fire Fox, fixing browser logging problems is not a high priority (only about 3% of visitors on my site use Firefox).

I would love to see these bugs fixed but since it affects a relatively mall number of users I wouldn't get my hopes up. There is a website that the developers and volunteers use to report bugs and track the progress of each build. Maybe that would be a place to check and see if it is even recognized officially as a problem.

13 yıl önce
Thanks Robert. I appreciate the feedback. I'll definitely check out those forums for a hopeful fix. That's pretty unfortunate though if this sort of issue is considered low priority - especially for those who can't log in. Yikes!
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