Remove Manufacturers feature completely

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14 yıl önce
Ok, maybe I've been doing this too long today...I have searched the forum and have found similar topics, but they do not seem very clear to me. I have version 1.5, I do not want to use the manufacturers feature at all, take it out, hide it, whatever.  

Can someone help me, like I said, it's all turning into Greek at this point...I think I need a break, LOL
14 yıl önce
There are 2 ways by which you can remove Manufacturers section from your website:

1) Don't add any manufacturers, if you will not add anything , the manufacturer section will not show up in your website.

2) If you still want to add manufacturers to maintain records in your database, but you don't want manufacturer section to be displayed on your homepage, then:

In your code: Go to nopCommercStore folder > MasterPages > TwoColumn.master page

In the master page you will see this :

         <nopCommerce:ManufacturerNavigation ID="ctrlManufacturerNavigation" runat="server" />
            <div class="clear">

replace it with this (or comment it out)

  <!--       <nopCommerce:ManufacturerNavigation ID="ctrlManufacturerNavigation" runat="server" />
            <div class="clear">

Now, no matter how many manufacturers you add in your database, manufacturer section won't show up in your homepage/website.

Hope it helps...
13 yıl önce
<!--       <nopCommerce:ManufacturerNavigation ID="ctrlManufacturerNavigation" runat="server" />
            <div class="clear">

Correction to the above resolution.  If you remove those lines, you are merging two div tags throwing the entire site's page off.  To make the proper removal of the ManufacturerNavigation without issues comment or remove the following line:


<nopCommerce:ManufacturerNavigation ID="ctrlManufacturerNavigation" runat="server" />

Or This is Fine:

<!--       <nopCommerce:ManufacturerNavigation ID="ctrlManufacturerNavigation" runat="server" />

The Above:

<!--       <nopCommerce:ManufacturerNavigation ID="ctrlManufacturerNavigation" runat="server" />
            <div class="clear">

Is incorrect.


13 yıl önce
This will only remove the visible part of the Manufacturer setting from the website.

If you wish to remove the manufacturer settings from the administration menus, you would have to remove it from the XML ressource file which is used to build the menu (Its in the /administration/ menu and is something like admin.config or menu.config, cant recall....).

You would also have to remove the option to select a manufacturer from the product detail component.

And theres probably more to do... :-)
12 yıl önce
where can i find this page  (from option 2) in the MVC version?
12 yıl önce

comment fallowing code
<!--<siteMapNode title="Manufacturers" nopResource="Admin.Catalog.Manufacturers" controller="Manufacturer" action="List"/>-->
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