Slow Page Loads

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12 yıl önce
Hi all,
I also have a slow page load problem.  My store only have one product for now and it also takes 17-20 seconds to load the first time.  I am trying to use SetCronjob to ping my server as suggested but I could not find in my server.  Am I missing anything?  Where can I get it?  Please help.
I am using Nop 2.2-2.3

12 yıl önce
What is the URL for your site?
12 yıl önce
Hi Norbert,

Sorry for the late reply, i was kind of so busy and just seen your message.

Will you please describe your problems and i will please to help you. Yes we had many progress on nopcommerce 1,9 and finally had a great speed on our website We had very hard times but now we are fine.

I would recommend you to check sql command especially on product details page.

Its all about sql. This is what we found.

Nopcommerce 1,9 is a great opensource e-commerce. Just need a little bit make-up thats all.
12 yıl önce
My website is
I just ran it at 2:16pm today so wait for about 20 minutes before you can see the slowness.  After the first initial load, everything is fast.
12 yıl önce
Hi all, I started to test the draft standard nopCommerce and noticed that the download speed is very slow, and always. I looked through the entire forum, I looked through the entire forum, but I did not understand what to do. Can somebody show a sequence of acting to solve the speed problems?

I saw that made ​​big jsdsupport experiments, boozey and others gave advice and possible locations of problems. Everyone who shared links to their sites was vpechetlyayuschaya speed.

I just want to find a panacea for solving the problem.

p.s. Currently doing a project and have everything ready for him but the problem is the speed was found at the last moment - the customer is not highly satisfied.
12 yıl önce
tramdoan wrote:
My website is
I just ran it at 2:16pm today so wait for about 20 minutes before you can see the slowness.  After the first initial load, everything is fast.

Is it only slow:

1) only when nobody has been to the site for a while and then the first person loads it up


2) is it slow the first time anyone opens it up, even if someone else just opened in a few seconds before you?

The first part means the site is sitting long enough to let the Application Pool die.  When someone loads the page after that, the app has to restart and everything is loaded into memory which can take a long time.  After that first load, the speeds should be normal for everyone as long as the AppPool is kept in memory.

The second part means that the content on the page is very heavy and requires the user to pull down all the images/css/js/etc.  The files are usually cached after that so subsequent page loads seem a lot faster.

I just opened your page and it took 30 seconds before I saw anything but a white screen so my guess would be it's #1.  I don't know if the Ping action you mentioned is still valid but you should be able to set your scheduled task to hit any page and that will keep the AppPool in memory.
12 yıl önce

Nice speed.
12 yıl önce
Thanks Andy.  My website definately has #1 symptom.  I read some other posts that suggested that I should use SetConJob service to run KeepAlive/ping page.  I couldn't find the page anywhere in my download.  It probaly not exist anymore.  I'll try to ping other page then.

Thanks for your reply.
12 yıl önce
Same here would like to know how to set the conjob.

You can also sign up for a free Website monitoring service

Yahoo Search Results:;_ylt=A0oGdVRsF_JOODYA7Lml87UF?p=free+website+monitor&fr=sfp&fr2=&iscqry=

I personally use for my other sites.

Going to add my NOp site to it too see if that helps with my speed.

The  will ping your site once every hour to see if it is up.

If it goes down it will email you.

Best of all

ITs Free!!!

Have a great day!

Brian Davis
12 yıl önce
Hi Andy, can my schedule task hits the htm page? or it needs to hit .cshtml page?  Please let me know.
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