Product Attribute Control Type

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7 yıl önce
using nop 3.8 I'm currently going through a DB and mapping it to nopCommerces DB fields.

I can create a lot of stuff using nops Products attributes and specification attributes etc.

However I would like to have a text box entry for some products where the user inputs a desired "depth", the condition here is a min and max value of lets say 400-800mm.

Now each product may or may not impliment this, and each product may have a different min max value etc.

looking at the existing functionality of NopCom i cant seem to find anything that will do this, which is ok i can just extend.

Issue i have is extending, Would i need to create a new product attribute control type?  or would i need to add range field into the view, etc etc.  Not only this bu im confused as to how i would achieve this, would i need to modify product table, all of the attribute handling, imports, exports etc etc.

ive recently looked at applying an actionfilter but im not sure it meets my requirements as i need to add new functionality and view functionality etc.

Ive tried looking at some tuts but the majority are all building a simple plugin or hello world plugin.

Anybody got any good advice or tutorial or even some sample code that is similar to what i want, not just some generic plugin, OR, Am i overcomplicating this in my head?
7 yıl önce
Hi Steve

Install 3.8 with sample data then select "Nike Floral Roshe Customized Running Shoes" and run this script:

select p.Name as Product, a.Name as Attribute, v.Name as Value
from Product as p
join Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping as m on p.Id = m.ProductId
join ProductAttribute as a on m.ProductAttributeId = a.Id
join ProductAttributeValue as v on = v.ProductAttributeMappingId
where ProductId = 24
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