AddProductToCompareList small changes

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7 yıl önce

AddProductToCompareList(int productId)
            var oldProductIds = GetComparedProductIds();
            var newProductIds = new List<int>();
            foreach (int oldProductId in oldProductIds)
                if (oldProductId != productId)

            var compareCookie = _httpContext.Request.Cookies.Get(COMPARE_PRODUCTS_COOKIE_NAME);
            if (compareCookie == null)
                compareCookie = new HttpCookie(COMPARE_PRODUCTS_COOKIE_NAME);
                compareCookie.HttpOnly = true;
            int i = 1;
            foreach (int newProductId in newProductIds)
                compareCookie.Values.Add("CompareProductIds", newProductId.ToString());
                if (i == _catalogSettings.CompareProductsNumber)
            compareCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10.0);

if we have empty compare list and add one product to this list we are not be able to read compareCookie on client site(JS) because of the following string.
compareCookie.HttpOnly = true;

please remove this string.
thank you in advance.
7 yıl önce
Hi Konstantin,

Could you please clarify how exactly you plan to use it? And why?
7 yıl önce
Hi Andrei!

we just want to show amount of products in compare list in header.

we can't read compareCookie after first AJAX action with AddProductToCompareList.
Current our solution:
We override CompareProductsService.AddProductToCompareList in our plugin to figure out this issue.
Future maintenance:
we can share our js code if nopTeam wants to implement "Show amount of products in compare list in header" feature
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