Add a new Catalog Category Type Possible? (V 3.80)

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7 yıl önce
Hi Everyone,

I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction, either through documentation, videos, tutorials, or flat out help to accomplish something.

Right now I have Products, Categories, and Manufacturers as part of the normal install. I am wondering if it is possible to add "Specialty Items" category, that I can then link products to just as I would with categories and manufacturers. I realize I need to code, but I am not even sure how or where to start looking?

ANY help would be greatly appreciated!

7 yıl önce
Creating another domain Entity is a fair amount of effort.  So, it depends on how you plan on using it.  Could you just use a regular Category? (Products can be in more than one category.)   Or, consider a Product Specification.
7 yıl önce
Can Product Specifications be listed on the home page as navigation items? In theory I could add sub categories, but I would want to display that subcategory list separate from being able to drill down into the category list.
7 yıl önce
Product tags also provide another way of arbitrarily grouping products.
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