Reward Points not working on purchase

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5 yıl önce
Seems like a nightmare as the date stamps for the day I did the changes are over loads of different files within the Nop.Web folder. It's almost as if I need to replace the majority of the files just for this one alteration. That can't be right can it?
5 yıl önce
dashdesigns wrote:
Seems like a nightmare as the date stamps for the day I did the changes are over loads of different files within the Nop.Web folder. It's almost as if I need to replace the majority of the files just for this one alteration. That can't be right can it?

OK, first, I'm sorry didn't see when you posted last, the notification never came up in my email so I came to see if you had responded.

Second. nop.web is in the presentation folder in your project source and shouldn't have any bearing. I apologize if 4.0 is real different from 4.1, and if it is send me a screenshot of your exact folder structure.

So my project is well under way and I went ahead and made the update as posted by libor in July and then built the project.

As expected the only dll I found that changed from the rebuild was If you made the change as posted the file you changed is OrderProcessingService.cs which is in which is why that is the dll that was changed.

In my project it's located in the following folder,

\Libraries\Nop.Services\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1     I'm running 4.1 by the way, but the process is the same.

If you need the debug file, it is there also. If you ran the build in debug. If you ran the build in release the path will be different accordingly.

I haven't tested the change yet but the project built and the site opened just fine. This should give you enough info to update your production site.

So to recap... Make the change you need, build the project, find the dll that was recompiled, copy that dll to the website folder replacing the existing dll.

Please note. You should always make a backup of your existing files before making any changes.

4 yıl önce
USRS wrote:
I have a problem with the reward points not working on the purchase. When a customer registers, it works fine. On the checkout it shows how many points they will receive, but when I check the Customers Reward Points it only shows the points for registration, but not for the purchase. I'm pretty sure I have it set correctly (

Any help would be greatly appreciated...maybe I am missing a setting somewhere?

3 yıl önce
rezar100 wrote:
I have a problem with the reward points not working on the purchase. When a customer registers, it works fine. On the checkout it shows how many points they will receive, but when I check the Customers Reward Points it only shows the points for registration, but not for the purchase. I'm pretty sure I have it set correctly (

Any help would be greatly appreciated...maybe I am missing a setting somewhere?


Having same challenge on NPC version 4.20.

im using a no-source so i didnt tamper with the code,
The process so far *maybe i skipped something*
The customer placed an order, add to cart, checkout.
On the checkout it shows how many points they will receive

Here is my order note:
06/12/2020 20:03:20  "Delivered" email (to customer) has been queued. Queued email identifiers: 1053.  No file attached    
06/12/2020 20:03:20  Shipment# 1 has been delivered  No file attached    
06/12/2020 20:02:42  "Shipped" email (to customer) has been queued. Queued email identifiers: 1052.  No file attached    
06/12/2020 20:02:39  Shipment# 1 has been sent  No file attached    
06/12/2020 20:00:25  A shipment has been added  No file attached    
06/12/2020 20:00:13  Order status has been edited. New status: Complete  No file attached    
06/12/2020 19:59:41  Order status has been changed to Processing  No file attached    
06/12/2020 19:59:41  Order has been marked as paid  No file attached    
06/12/2020 19:55:51  "Order placed" email (to customer) has been queued. Queued email identifiers: 1051.  No file attached    
06/12/2020 19:55:45  "Order placed" email (to store owner) has been queued. Queued email identifiers: 1050.  No file attached    
06/12/2020 19:55:42  Order placed  No file attached

from documentation, it says once shipment is set to "has been delivered"; the customer should at that point get his reward point but when I check the Customers Reward Points it only shows the points for registration.

Any help or guide will be appreciated.
3 yıl önce
Check your reward points configuration.  In particular:
- Points for purchases
- Minimum order total
- Activate points immediately
3 yıl önce
New York wrote:
Check your reward points configuration.  In particular:
- Points for purchases
- Minimum order total
- Activate points immediately

Thank you for your response,
Please follow this link to see a screenshot of my reward points configuration.
3 yıl önce
Its working now, ok i am not exactly sure if its because i changed "set Minimum reward points to use" to 0 and "Maximum reward points to use per order" to 0 as well that made it work, but i am very sure the process of completing the order to get the reward points is proceedural, which i think people having same problem should follow.

from the order page (pending order),
(avoid manually changing the order status to complete -  thats the mistake i have been making)
first mark as paid, (this will change the order status to processing)
then go to add shipment, click the view
mark as shipped, then mark as delivered (this will change the order status to complete by design) this is the point where the rewards point reflects on the customers end.

My opinion, i think when the order is marked as paid, the customer should get their reward, payment having been confirmed. ill have to look through the code to modify that, if i come through with, i'll lkely share as well.
3 yıl önce
Hi,  I need to solve the same issue. In fact I've activated the reward points but the reward point is not added to customer account neither if the order is paid neither if the the order is completed or shipped.
May you help? I've nop4.1 and the site is

Kind Regards
3 yıl önce
I posted near the beginning of this thread two years ago and a few versions ago. My reward points still dont work. I was hoping that upgrading past 4.0 would fix the issue. Now I am up to 4.2 but I still cant get reward points to work. I tried every trick mentioned in this thread except modifying the .cs code and still they dont work.  
I suspect the problem with reward points is connected to the problem with getting an error when I tick "Shipment Delivered".

That error is this in my log;
ystem.Exception: This shipment is already delivered
   at Nop.Services.Orders.OrderProcessingService.Deliver(Shipment shipment, Boolean notifyCustomer) in C:\andrei\nopcommerce\sources\src\Libraries\Nop.Services\Orders\OrderProcessingService.cs:line 2163
   at Nop.Web.Areas.Admin.Controllers.OrderController.SetAsDelivered(Int32 id) in C:\andrei\nopcommerce\sources\src\Presentation\Nop.Web\Areas\Admin\Controllers\OrderController.cs:line 2503
3 yıl önce
Still no reward points other than the register reward points.
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