Help to Edit the product page

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13 yıl önce
Hi guys, i needing to change some thing in the product page. What i need to do is, to put a description and picture of the manufacturer in the product page, i tried to understand how to implement a control and add this to the page of product, and if possible in the future give the option for the admin choose if he wants to show this option or not! This will be util for many things!

And i would like to know if anyone can give me some direction to where look to start to create that!

Thanks to all!

Pedro Correa
13 yıl önce
hello Pedro Correa ,

To EDIT product page and add information to it:

Go to admin section >   Catalog   >   Products  

You will see a list of products something like this:

$25 Gift Card            True      Edit
$5 Gift Card            True      Edit
Best Grilling Recipes    True      Edit

select any product and click on Edit against that product

You will reach on "Edit product details" page

here you can add short / long description of product

Other than that you will see many tabs like Category mappying (to link it  with any category), Product Pictures. etc

To add picture > click on "Pictures" Tab

You can upload any picture from your computer and make it as product picture.

To modify/edit price of any product, go to "Product Variant SKU" tab > select Unnamed product variant Click on "View" > and here you can change pricing, manage stock, Item SKU code etc...
13 yıl önce
To maintain manufacturer information (like adding manufacturer info, picture etc)

Go to admin section >   Catalog   >   Manufacturers  

Click on any manufacturer > Edit it > and on the "Edit manufacturer details" page you can upload manufacturer picture, information etc.
13 yıl önce
Hello abcd_1234, first, thanks for the answer, but i guess i not express me very well, i'm a .net developer and and i wanna do something like this pictures here, i know i will not need to create anything in the database, just create the code in c# to call this information  and show in the screen as i show(trying) in the picture! I just need some orientation about where in the code i should start the codification, or something that i could use to take some idea!

Thank you anyway!

Pedro Correa
13 yıl önce
In order to add a Manufacturer Tab and display manufacturer related to specific product you need so do some coding.

These tabs are coming from here :

Go to nopCommerceStore folder > Templates > Products > VariantsInGrid.ascx

You will find this code for tabs in VariantsInGrid.ascx:

<ajaxToolkit:TabContainer runat="server" ID="ProductsTabs" ActiveTabIndex="0" SkinID="TabContainer-ProductDetails">
            <ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="pnlProductReviews" HeaderText="<% $NopResources:Products.ProductReviews %>">
                    <nopCommerce:ProductReviews ID="ctrlProductReviews" runat="server" ShowWriteReview="true">
            <ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="pnlProductSpecs" HeaderText="<% $NopResources:Products.ProductSpecs %>">
                    <nopCommerce:ProductSpecs ID="ctrlProductSpecs" runat="server"></nopCommerce:ProductSpecs>


You can add Manufacturer tab here in above code

In order to display Manufacturer Information in the Manufacturer Tab

you need to create something like ProductManufacturer.ascx in this location : nopCommerceStore folder > Modules >

Supporse you create ProductManufacturer.ascx  then you have to write code in this place which will pull out manufacturer information for the product.

and after this as i explained above you will create manufacturer tab and that tab will be linked with ProductManufacturer.ascx

In order to see how this information is linked see how product reviews and specifications are coming into tabs:

You will find code for product reviews and specifications here: nopCommerceStore folder > Modules > ProductReviews.ascx & ProductSpecifications.ascx
13 yıl önce
Yeeess... Thanks a lot for that. Now i think that can help, as soon i finish this alteration i let you know! And if will be good to the community i publish this here!

Thanks again!
Pedro Correa
13 yıl önce
You're welcome
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