I have a plugin, and I put a site map in the admin menu to go to the configuration. After I click on that, the page reload and I want to keep the plugin's site map open as the default behavior of nopcommerce. How can i do that?
Here is the code of my plugin's site map

public void ManageSiteMap(SiteMapNode rootNode)
            SiteMapNode parentNode = new SiteMapNode()
                Visible = true,
                SystemName = "Services Management",
                Title = "Services Management",
                IconClass = "fa-genderless",
            parentNode.ChildNodes.Add(new SiteMapNode()
                Visible = true,
                SystemName = "Configuration Services",
                Title = "Configuration Services",
                IconClass = "fa-genderless",
                Url = "~/Admin/Widget/ConfigureWidget?systemName=Widgets.Service",