Is there anyway to mass edit images?

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6 yıl önce
Hey everyone, currently, I'm working with a company that has 1000's of products online. Recently, we discovered that a lot of our images are in JPG formats and without an ALT tag.

We were pretty ignorant about SEO and didn't realize that this would be an issue down the line until it was brought to our attention.

So, I have two questions.

Is there an easy way of mass uploading images or updating their format to png? We've done our work through another partner regarding mass uploads and were hoping to take on this challenge ourselves.

Is there a way to mass edit our images and assign them alt tags?

Apologies in advanced if this is a standard feature that I'm just ignorant of it.

6 yıl önce

Create one console application for convert jpg to png image.

Then copy paste all image into images folder. then do update query in SQL .jpg to .png

Also same for update query for alt tag.

6 yıl önce
I'm not sure if this plugin allows converting filetypes and changing extensions, but it seems to be very similar to what you need.

Perhaps, if it doesn't allow conversion and changing extensions programatically, the developer will consider adding it??
6 yıl önce
Hello. Here how we add product images to our website. Install nopAdmin and you can upload product images very quickly.

In your case I think you have to extract product images from old site and upload them to your new site using nopAdmin Bulk Images tool.
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