PasswordRecoveryConfirm dos'not work in nopcommerce 3.9

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6 yıl önce
Hi Dear
I am using nopcommerce version 3.90 .when customer want to recovery password by Email link to PasswordRecoveryConfirm, after submitting the PasswordRecoveryConfirm form that doesn't post to PasswordRecoveryConfirmPost action and doesn't recover the password.

please Help me that why do not submit the form to PasswordRecoveryConfirmPost action?
6 yıl önce
I found the problem .
because use [FormValueRequired("set-password")] filte insted of [FormValueRequired("send-email")] befor action method.

But another problem is token and email that they are null in this action.

how to get token and email in PasswordRecoveryConfirmPOST action?
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