how to add more fields to the contact us page on the product tab

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6 yıl önce
Hi there how do you add fields to the contact us page for nop commerce step by step im new to nop commerce I tried to add a field in ProductContactUs.cshtml but i got a error


the field i added was postaladdress like so

                         <div class="inputs">
                            @Html.LabelFor(model => model.PostalAddress)
                            @Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.PostalAddress, new { @class =
                            "postaladdress", placeholder = T("ContactUs.PostalAddress.Hint") })
                            @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.PostalAddress)

Where else should I add the field. Thanks in advance
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6 yıl önce

First of all its SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs plugin So if you go there support forum or generate ticket in there system then you will get proper answer.

Now If you are customizing in there view page then you will see one model in top of the page. Whatever field are trying to use its should available in there model then you able to use like
. If not available then you will get error.

Ann one more thing if you added field somehow then also your field value will not go in email because in there plugin they didn't did code for your custom fields.

Hope it will helps you.

6 yıl önce
Putting just HTML in the view will only collect the field entered, but won't do anything with it.  You'll need JavaScript to inject(append) it into the Enquiry textarea, or you need to modify Model & Controller (the latter requires Visual Studio).
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