Adding a new shipping method.

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13 yıl önce

I have been attempting to add a new shipping method 'ShippingByPalletArea'

I have used ShippingByWeight as an example and created ShippingByPalletArea verdsions of all the files it has.

When I try to checkout I get stuck with a bug in ShippingManager.cs

        public static ShippingOptionCollection GetShippingOptions(ShoppingCart cart,
            Customer customer, Address shippingAddress,
            int? allowedShippingRateComputationMethodId, ref string error)

in the following line :-

var iShippingRateComputationMethod = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(srcm.ClassName)) as IShippingRateComputationMethod;

"NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Shipping.Methods.ShippingByPalletAreaCM.ShippingByPalletAreaComputationMethod, Nop.Shipping.ShippingByPalletArea"

it throws :-
ArgumentNullException was unhandled by user code

I suspect that it is something to do with not being able to find the DLL for the bits I have added due to me having copied everything from the ShippingByWeight classes, including the Nop namespaces.

Could you advise me as to how I should add it please?

13 yıl önce
Ensure that Nop.Shipping.ShippingByPalletArea.dll is attached (added a reference) to NopCommerceStore project
13 yıl önce
Cheers, Luxury!

Now I can get on and finish it.

(Should have known that really. Not been working on multi project projects thus far, that's my excuse).
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