Product display order

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13 yıl önce
Hi I'm quite new to nopCommerce and am using the latest 1.6 version.

My site is very simple I have less then 10 products to display (some have variations some don't). I have 1 category as they all fall into the same one. For each product I have selected to 'show on homepage' and I have hidden or deselected almost everything else on the page save for the shopping cart and the my account links. This way I have a nice neat set of product images that go to the product (and its variants)

Now the only thing I want to do is control the order of these items. Right now it is alphabetic.

Is this possible? I can order within the category, but it seems to me the way I have marked each item to be shown on the main page is the easiest way to set up a very small catalogue of items. I don't want a single category link to be shown. I get the feeling once 'show on home page' is checked a second input should be show for the display order.

Can anyone guide me on what I'm doing wrong here?
13 yıl önce

You can code this feature if you want.

Change the HomePageProducts.ascx.cs file in the modules folder. Locate BindData method and add the bold line:

private void BindData()
            var products = ProductManager.GetAllProductsDisplayedOnHomePage();
            if (products.Count > 0)
                products.Sort(delegate(Product p1, Product p2) { return p1.ProductCategories[0].DisplayOrder.CompareTo(p2.ProductCategories[0].DisplayOrder) ; });
                dlCatalog.DataSource = products;
                this.Visible = false;

This should sort the products based on the category order...
Note that this is a hack. You must guarantee that every product has at least one category. if not you will receive an error. If you want to make sure this doesn't occur add a try catch block.
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