Rating tied to reviews & Search by Topic

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13 yıl önce
Make the "rating" non enterable/clickable and a function of the average user review like 99.99% of the sites out there.   It really doesn't make sense to have both user review ratings (which could be all 5 stars) and then have a "rating" of 0.

And also, concerning this forum, you need to be able to search for matches in Topics only.  Before posting this topic, I did a forum search for "Rating" and what came up was 5+ pages of random topics.  Searching topics, would greatly improve the forums.
13 yıl önce
I completely agree. I've got products with severely skewed ratings because it doesn't take into account the number of stars chosen on reviews. Any chance for a patch or something anytime soon or do I have to have someone custom program the tie in?
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