How to add a tab to the Order in the admin area in Nop 4.1

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5 yıl önce
In nop 3.8 we could simply add a tab to the Order tabs by using the following implementation:

 public void HandleEvent(AdminTabStripCreated eventMessage)
            if (eventMessage.TabStripName == "order-edit")
                OrderModel om = eventMessage.Helper.ViewData.Model as OrderModel;

                string currentTabName = _localizationService.GetResource("Actopus.Nop.Plugin.Shipping.MyParcel.Menu.TabStripItem");
                string url = "../../../Plugins/MyParcel/Labels/" + om.Id;

                eventMessage.BlocksToRender.Add(new MvcHtmlString(
                            + "$(document).ready(function() {"
                                + "$(\"<li><a data-tab-name='tab-name' data-toggle='tab' href='#tab-name'>"
                                + _localizationService.GetResource("Actopus.Nop.Plugin.Shipping.MyParcel.Menu.TabStripItem")
                                + "</a></li> \").appendTo('#order-edit .nav-tabs:first');"

                                + "$.get('" + url + "', function(result) {"
                                + "$(\" <div class='tab-pane' id='tab-name'>\" + result + \"</div>\").appendTo('#order-edit .tab-content:first');"
                                + "});"
                            + "});"
                    + "</script>"));


I noticed that this mechanism still adds a tab to the tab control. However I have a feeling that this is no longer the preferred solution especially as the tab view now gets its contents async.

Any input would be highly appreciated
5 yıl önce
This mechanism has not changed and although custom tabs are loaded with some slack, it still functions.
5 yıl önce
Hello actOpus

try this...

use interface IConsumer<AdminTabStripCreated>

public async void HandleEvent(AdminTabStripCreated eventMessage)
  if (eventMessage?.Helper == null)
  var tabsElementOrderId = "order-edit";
  if (!eventMessage.TabStripName.Equals(tabsElementOrderId))
  //get the view model
    if (!(eventMessage.Helper.ViewData.Model is OrderModel orderModel))
  //prepare model
  var model = new CustomTabModel();
  model.orderId = orderModel.Id
  var orderCustomTabElementId = "tab-custom";
  var CustomTab = new HtmlString($@"
            $(document).ready(function() {{
                    <li class='advanced-setting'>
                        <a data-tab-name='{orderCustomTabElementId}' data-toggle='tab' href='#{orderCustomTabElementId}'>
                `).appendTo('#{tabsElementOrderId} .nav-tabs:first');
                    <div class='tab-pane' id='{orderCustomTabElementId}'>
                                (await eventMessage.Helper.PartialAsync("~/Plugin/PluginName/Tab/Custom/TabCustomTab.cshtml", model)).RenderHtmlContent()
                                    .Replace("</script>", "<\\/script>") //we need escape a closing script tag to prevent terminating the script block early
                `).appendTo('#{tabsElementOrderId} .tab-content:first');

    //add this tab as a block to render on the Order details page

It can be help for you.
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