Expected behvior:

Just like a registered user, a guest user is also expected to come back to order details page or checkout completed (if enable) page after a successful payment.

Actual behavior:

However, the guest user when "guest checkout is enabled" won't bring back user to the order details or checkout completed page. It's taking user back to home page.

What I noticed is that the "InsertGuestCustomer" from CustomerService is getting called after redirect.

Same behavior on below browsers:
1. Chrome
2. Firefox
3. IE

Steps to reproduce:

1. Enable any plugin that does URL redirect.
2. Enable one-page-checkout
3. Enable guest checkout
4. Start adding items to cart
5. Checkout using OPC page
6. Confirm and wait for PG to redirect back to site.

I am facing this on both localhost and hosted site.

Note: I am running SSL on localhost