Using a particuliar category page as home page

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13 yıl önce
Ok..I'm looking for a slick way (ie. elegant way) to use a particuliar category page as HOME.

I thought I'd post here before I start digging into the code and replacing stuff to see if anyone has a nice, clean way to do this :)
13 yıl önce
Response.Redirect("your category url")

Of course a nicer way would be to have a property on your category "Use as home page" rather than hardcoding the url
13 yıl önce
Ah..ok. Thank you.

I'm trying to avoid a redirect for seo reasons.

But because you quoted "use a home page" makes me think such a setting exists. If that's the case, where would this setting be? I'm still working with visual studio 2005, so if it's in the project file I'll have to D/L the 2010 freebie version.
13 yıl önce
Actually, I think I'm getting there.

In default.aspx I "commented out" the stuff inside the container, and replaced it with the stuff inside the container of Category.aspx.

Now, to set a default category? Hrrmm..any ideas?
13 yıl önce
After some time I've replaced Default.asp,.cs....with the code from category.aspx.
To start out simple, I've just copied the NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.CategoryPage class into
NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.default class. (I'll work on a derivation later).

Anyway, after a build & publish I get the following error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Here's my default.aspx.cs

You'll notice I tried using CategoryManager.GetCategoryById() to set a default category, but that still didn't work.

namespace NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web
    public partial class Default : BaseNopPage
        Category category = null;//**** CategoryManager.GetCategoryById(some catid);

        private void CreateChildControlsTree()
            category = CategoryManager.GetCategoryById(48);
            if (category != null)
                Control child = null;

                CategoryTemplate categoryTemplate = category.CategoryTemplate;
                if (categoryTemplate == null)
                    throw new NopException(string.Format("Category template path can not be empty. CategoryID={0}", category.CategoryId));

                child = base.LoadControl(categoryTemplate.TemplatePath);

        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (category == null || category.Deleted || !category.Published)

            string title = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.LocalizedMetaTitle))
                title = category.LocalizedMetaTitle;
                title = category.LocalizedName;
            SEOHelper.RenderTitle(this, title, true);
            SEOHelper.RenderMetaTag(this, "description", category.LocalizedMetaDescription, true);
            SEOHelper.RenderMetaTag(this, "keywords", category.LocalizedMetaKeywords, true);

            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                NopContext.Current.LastContinueShoppingPage = CommonHelper.GetThisPageUrl(true);

        public int CategoryId
                return CommonHelper.QueryStringInt("CategoryId");

        public override PageSslProtectionEnum SslProtected
                return PageSslProtectionEnum.No;

Any ideas on how to instantiate a CategoryPage with a known categoryID?
13 yıl önce
You need to pass the category id as a querystring, that's why it wouldn't have worked for you initially - look at the CategoryId property.
13 yıl önce
Hrm...i tried using default.aspx?categoryid=mydefaultcatID and got same error (i even checked the urlrewrite config for default.aspx and updated it to be like category.aspx).

category.aspx?categoryid=mydefaultcatID DOES work, but if I call just plain old category.aspx I get the same error. So I guess the categoryID param isn't getting passed correctly.

In any event, I guess what I'm getting at is I can pass all kinds of query strings to a page. They only have meaning when i assign meaning to them. ie...passing ?answer=42&favcolor=blue_no_red to say category.aspx doesn't mean they have any meaning (or variables) associated.

Somewhere in the code there must be something like categoryID=Request.QueryString("categoryID").
That's prolly what i need to find so I can just 'hard-code' it for the default page :)
13 yıl önce
There is, as I said, on the CategoryId property:

public int CategoryId
                return CommonHelper.QueryStringInt("CategoryId");

This is essentially a helper method that does int.parse(Request.QueryString["CategoryId"])
13 yıl önce
Ah..there we go-sweet! Thank you!

Wife had me doin yardwork or woulda responded sooner
13 yıl önce
Actually, still not working. I also realize this thread should in dev, so I'll post there.

Thanks :)
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