Developer roadmap - 1. Moving to MVC. Your thoughts.

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13 yıl önce
thought wrote:

I think moving to MVC would be a big mistake. NopCommerce has this success because it's easy customisable and development for it is pretty easy. It's architecture is a true beauty.

MVC is a very young technology and lacks support for things that make development fast, such as user controls. Also please keep in mind MVC has a very steep learning curve!!! You may be willing to start working on it but the hundreds of developers working with NopCommerce are not. Don't make our lives harder. We have websites we need to maintain, upgrade and develop for. Me and many others will be forced to use the last non-MVC version :(

3 years is not a 'young' technology, 6 months is, not 3 years - we are on to release 3 now!

User controls are a bane to HTTP, good bye and good riddance.

Having said the above, I fully appreciate and understand the learning curve point. However, its never a good idea to rest on your lorals (staying with what you know means in 5 years you will probably be doing just the same thing), there is so much more out there which will only improve your ecommerce offering.

MVC is the way forward for .NET over HTTP, IN MY OPINION


P.S I still haven't fully learnt MVC, I am making my judgement on many years of front end development and 3 years of ASP.NET web forms development, and about 1 month of looking in to MVC...

As someone who has been developing with ASP.NET MVC for well over a year, I fully agree with this assessment.
13 yıl önce
bitstar wrote:

MVC is a very young technology and lacks support for things that make development fast, such as user controls.

Microsoft's implementation of MVC is fairly new but MVC is not.  Like most things we take for granted today on the web, they were conceived well before the proliferation of the web.  MVC is more of a architectural description of how to display complex data sets.  It is not a technology stack.  Microsoft, Rails, etc. have technology stacks that implement the MVC architecture but they are not MVC in of themselves.

MVC was convceived by Trygve Reenskaug in 1979.  His home page is here and you can also find more info about MVC here.  MVC is not as difficult as it appears.  Spend some time studying the basic concept behind it and I think you will find it more of what the web was intended.  

May I also suggest spending some time on REST which I feel MVC naturally dovetails towards.  Roy Fielding's dissertation on REST can be found here (Read all of it, not just chapter 5) and StackOverflow has some great links here.  Note: Roy Fielding was part of the group that developed the HTTP spec we all use today.
13 yıl önce
It is also worth noting we are still using ASP.NET 4.0 - its not like we are moving to PHP!

MVC is just a design model which lends itself better to HTTP than web forms.

Most people should be able to get a grasp of it with in a week or two.
13 yıl önce
This is great news and I'll mark February 2011 with a big sign on my calendar. (This is a celebration).
ASP.NET MVC definitely the future of .NET platform on the web. Razor will make the source code looks simple and easier to understand for beginners, and the web page helpers too. If you are considering AJAX, then you should use jQuery as it is officially supported by the ASP.NET team.
13 yıl önce
digb wrote:
...I'll mark February 2011 with a big sign on my calendar...

There're also a lot of other major changes planned for nopCommerce 2.00 - repostority layer, persistence-ignorant entities, code-first approach, unit tests. So it'll take much more time. Estimates will be published a bit later
13 yıl önce
a.m. wrote:
...I'll mark February 2011 with a big sign on my calendar...
There're also a lot of other major changes planned for nopCommerce 2.00 - repostority layer, persistence-ignorant entities, code-first approach, unit tests. So it'll take much more time. Estimates will be published a bit later

Hi Andrei,

Arn't the entities in 1.9 already persistence ignorant?

Also, with regards to repository layer are you refering to something like this: ?
13 yıl önce
thought wrote:
Arn't the entities in 1.9 already persistence ignorant?

Bo, they are not. Some of the entities depend on services.

thought wrote:
Also, with regards to repository layer are you refering to something like this: ?

13 yıl önce
a.m. wrote:
they are not. Some of the entities depend on services.

So how do you go about this when using EF? Is the repository layer a first step?
13 yıl önce
thought wrote:
So how do you go about this when using EF? Is the repository layer a first step?

1. Just use navigation properties and remove old custom properties.
2. Yes
13 yıl önce
a.m. wrote:
...I'll mark February 2011 with a big sign on my calendar...
There're also a lot of other major changes planned for nopCommerce 2.00 - repostority layer, persistence-ignorant entities, code-first approach, unit tests. So it'll take much more time. Estimates will be published a bit later

Even more good news. Take your time. I don't mind waiting for a bit longer.
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