Developer roadmap - 1. Moving to MVC. Your thoughts.

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12 yıl önce
im new to mvc and EF/ but i know that nop2 uses code first model. how can i add new field into Product table in database? Just adding new property to Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog.product class dosent create a new field in database
12 yıl önce
cool wrote:
Hi Paliktar

It is nice to know that you are working on Nopcommerce-NHibernate. What is the expected date by which you will finish this work. I hope that we will find this code on codeplex.

I am curious to know what files/projects would be modified as a result of this.


Hi cool,

I think 2 weeks after the release of nop 2.0. A fork it's already on codeplex but the final implementation of the nHibernate it will be an extension on

The projects modified are:
Nop.Core (domain objects)
Nop.Data.Nhibernate (new project)
Nop.Web.Framework (new DependencyRegistar class specific to nHibernate)

12 yıl önce
fatau wrote:
im new to mvc and EF/ but i know that nop2 uses code first model. how can i add new field into Product table in database? Just adding new property to Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog.product class dosent create a new field in database

Hi there, I have not seen the implementation or the code for nop 2.0 but from a code-first perspective, you have to make the code update the database with an initializer. I am not sure if the nop guys have implemented their own initializer or if you have to use the stock ones (two I think) but be careful there is a chance for data loss there.

That being said, let's wait for a reply from someone on the team.
12 yıl önce
I would suggest to move the Settings submenu item of the Configuration menu item at the top of the list to maximize the space on the screen, since it opens a menu with a lots of items.
12 yıl önce
asoares wrote:
I would suggest to move the Settings submenu item of the Configuration menu item at the top of the list to maximize the space on the screen, since it opens a menu with a lots of items.

You can do that by yourself by changing sitemap.xml file.
12 yıl önce
wxDevelopment wrote:
I would suggest to move the Settings submenu item of the Configuration menu item at the top of the list to maximize the space on the screen, since it opens a menu with a lots of items.

You can do that by yourself by changing sitemap.xml file.

Yes I know that. Actually, I thought it was clear that I was not asking *how* to change the sitemap file, but *to* change the sitemap in the main source branch so that it benefits everyone getting the application. My screen is 1600 x 900 and at that resolution, I am missing the last items the the settings submenu. I did change the sitemap file on my side.
12 yıl önce
asoares wrote:
I would suggest to move the Settings submenu item of the Configuration menu item at the top of the list to maximize the space on the screen, since it opens a menu with a lots of items.

You can do that by yourself by changing sitemap.xml file.

Yes I know that. Actually, I thought it was clear that I was not asking *how* to change the sitemap file, but *to* change the sitemap in the main source branch so that it benefits everyone getting the application. My screen is 1600 x 900 and at that resolution, I am missing the last items the the settings submenu. I did change the sitemap file on my side.

gfadel is reporting same problem:
12 yıl önce
Thanks for the reply, Paliktar

>2 weeks after the release of nop 2.0.
Do you mean 2 weeks after the 'final' nop 2.0 release OR this beta which was released a couple of days ago.

btw what is the expected date of release of the final 2.0 version? Any ideas.

>A fork it's already on codeplex.
Yes, I downloaded it. It looks good enough. I tried to merge the changes you made for NH in the 'forked' version with the current release of Beta 2.0 but it needs a good amount of knowledge. And you are the right person to do it :)

I am looking forward to add new classes/FluentHibernate-based relationships/Service to the Nop. Can I do it in the existing forked version of yours, I mean is it stable enough? When you release the NH extension, I will move those classes/relationships/services in the Nop2.0 having extended-NH. Am I in the right direction, pl. confirm.

Thank you once again
12 yıl önce
I downloaded NopCommerce 2.0 Beta today, overall it looks very good, however to my disappointment I see some of the same problems that have made it's way from 1.9.

To name a few:

1. Multi-language support still relies on cookie/session value to toggle between the languages - this completely ruins SEO for one specific language vs. the other. And what if you want to sent a language-specific url to someone? I think it's imperative to include a language culture as part of the url.

2. Products with names written in languages other than English are not properly displayed in the product URL. For example if I type a product name in Russian "мой-продукт" - URL for this product will only show a dash "-". Again this impacts SEO indexing.

3. Related to the above 2 items is Sitemap that also ignores language and only lists products in english, or broken english if titles are in another language.

4. This is more of a suggestion, but since we're moving toward a better product I believe that HTML structure should be optimized and if not HTML5 compliant, then at least be close, and I would also have a "reset" CSS stylesheet included as part of Root master page and use stylesheets from themes as overrides. I also did not find culture indicator as part of HTML declaration. See Paul Irish HTML5 Boilerplate for some awesome optimization tips.

5. Please include settings in web.config to enable gzip compression - a lot of people would like to use it, and it wouldn't be such a bad thing to enable it by default.

So far this is my biggest concern with this product, and I have done a lot to modify 1.9 to get it to work the way I wanted, 2.0 version is a great big step toward the right direction and I would love to see these things taken care of there by default. Overall I'm a huge fan of NopCommerce and I hope you guys reach great heights with this product ;).
12 yıl önce
Hi cool,

1) 2 weeks after the 'final' nop 2.0 release
2) The version in the fork is stable but I want to move the nHibernate implementation to NHIbernate 3.2 which has it's own "Fluent Interface" so the current implementation will become absolute.

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