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13 yıl önce
I contacted GoDaddy about the Contact form on my site asking them bla bla bla.

After they ran some tests and told me that they are block any email address in the 'From' field other than those that are hosting with them. OK fine!

I went back and launched my site and got this error:

((Server Error in '/' Application.

Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'TaskManager' does not exist in the current context

Source Error:

Line 25:         if (InstallerHelper.ConnectionStringIsSet())
Line 26:         {
Line 27:             TaskManager.Instance.Initialize(NopConfig.ScheduleTasks);
Line 28:             TaskManager.Instance.Start();
Line 29:         }

Source File: d:\hosting\5492521\html\Global.asax    Line: 27))

Now that they are apologizing that there's nothing else they can do. I tried and tried to explain to them that I can lose my job over this and the bad part is, it isn't something that I did. And because the test was performed on Godaddy's end, I don't have a single clue where to begin troubleshooting.

any tips is much appreciated!
13 yıl önce
Did you try re-uploading NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.dll?
13 yıl önce

I don't have NopCommerce intalled locally, at least not yet. Any procedure/instruction I can follow?
13 yıl önce
Download the version of nopCommerce that you have uploaded on your web server. In the NopCommerceStore/Bin directory you will see Nop.BusinessLogic.dll. Upload that file to the bin directory of your website.
13 yıl önce

After spent near 2 hours on the phone with GoDaddy, looking into all the files were recently and last modified and found that the web.config file was wipped out (after the test was performed). Reloaded the file and it worked now.
13 yıl önce
there are few companies on earth that you should avoid, out of them godaddy is one
13 yıl önce
Yeap! We are up for renewal and GoDaddy kept offering us 20% discount because of the downtime, disk space, etc. I just told the guy that my boss is frustrated with the service and wanting me to shop around. Any recommendations?
13 yıl önce
VPS is a good bet but for shared hosting, I recommend IX Web Hosting.
13 yıl önce
nop commerce works like a charm i arvixe hosting,

I wish if someone tells about

ixwebhosting supports only .net 3.5
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