State not appearing on PDF Invoice in NopCom 1.6

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13 yıl önce
When a customer generates a PDF invoice after the sale, the State is missing from the address. City, Zip and Street Address show up just fine. I am running 1.6 on a medium trust but have paid someone to rebuild the PDF engine to work in medium trust. Could this be part of my issue?
13 yıl önce
Hi there
This is not in answer to your situation of which I would hope you have got it sorted out by now.

What did catch my eye, is that you are running nopcommerce version 1.60 and got someone to do the necessary
changes to allow probably the Packing Note and Invoice pdf to work in Medium Trust environment.

I am all set up and website now live, however I too cannot use these options being with GoDaddy and Medium Trust.

Can you point me to where you got this done and how much it cost please.

Just had first sale and now I'm stuck!!!!

13 yıl önce
I hired a fellow named Chavan Avishekmishra who works for a firm called Soft Tech World in India. He did a great job and it cost me about ~$135USD, although he had to figure it all out the first time between NopCom and GoDaddy. In my humble opinion he was very responsive, intelligent and a fast learner and worth every penny. I would assume that now that he has the process figured out he could do the job again in fewer hours, but obviously I don't control what he would bid to complete a job. In my case he bid $10USD an hour and took about 13 hours to figure it all out.
I plan on hiring him again soon as I am launching a second NopCom site in January and will need the same PDF fix for that site as well. I hired him through which is why I don't have a direct contact for him.
On odesk his user profile is Chavan S. and I think this link will take you to his profile page.

I highly recommend his services to resolve this issue, especially if you are a GoDaddy hosting customer.

13 yıl önce
Thanks for your reply and comments on the job done along with details.
I will look into this.

My other option which has been answered in another post, is to change hosting company to
a Full Trust enabled system.
The only thing I don't want is to have to start all over again inputting products etc. It's taken
me long enough.

Unfortunately I didn't know anything about Full Trust/Medium Trust and what it would cause
when I started.
Thanks again Sean
13 yıl önce
This problem is supposed to be fixed in nop 1.9.
13 yıl önce
By the way I have not resolved the issue with the state missing from the invoice, that wasnt something I hired anyone to do, I've been working on it slowly by myself in my spare time.

Switching to a full trust hosting provider does make this problem go away, but IMHO the reason you should be on a medium trust provider is its more secure. Lots of folks will argue back and forth about that point, but I've been a database and net admin for over 12 years, and I can tell you, full trust is not what I want for my website hosting. YMMV.

That being said, switching to another hosting provider isnt that hard, you make a backup of your SQL database and then setup a new store on your new hosting provider and do a restore from the backup you made with GoDaddy and PRESTO all your hard work comes up in your new store. No re-entering of products needed.

So, if you do switch, just make sure you do frequent backups of your store.

As for the comment about 1.9 fixing this, I don't know if you are referring to the state missing from the invoice or the medium trust PDF issue. Either way, I've not been successful so for with upgrading NopCom on GoDaddy but would be happy to get more info about that issue from anyone who has first hand experience.

Hopefully the forum trolls won't start a flame war over the security of full vs medium trust hosting; if they do I intend to ignore it.
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