Billing address defaults to customer address

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13 yıl önce
Is there any way in v1.8 to set the billing address to the customer address by default to remove the need for the customer to enter their details twice?
Thanks in anticipation.
13 yıl önce
Have you found a solution to this? I would like to do exactly the same.
Hiding the tabs from customer account page is easy. I'm not sure about the check out process.
13 yıl önce
There are more solutions to this..

My first solution was to copy the default values from the customer..
> Edit ..\NopCommerceStore\Modules\AddressEdit.ascx.cs
> Find:

                    txtCity.Text = string.Empty;
                    txtZipPostalCode.Text = string.Empty;
                    if (IsBillingAddress)

> Change to:

                    txtCity.Text = string.Empty;
                    txtZipPostalCode.Text = string.Empty;
                    if (IsBillingAddress)

                    //MOD_DEFAULTADDRESS> Default values
                    var customer = CustomerManager.GetCustomerById(NopContext.Current.User.CustomerId);
                    if (customer != null)
                        this.lblShippingAddressId.Text = "0";
                        this.txtFirstName.Text = customer.FirstName;
                        this.txtLastName.Text = customer.LastName;
                        this.txtPhoneNumber.Text = customer.PhoneNumber;
                        this.txtEmail.Text = customer.Email;
                        this.txtFaxNumber.Text = customer.FaxNumber;
                        this.txtCompany.Text = customer.Company;
                        this.txtAddress1.Text = customer.StreetAddress;
                        this.txtAddress2.Text = customer.StreetAddress2;
                        this.txtCity.Text = customer.City;
                        CommonHelper.SelectListItem(this.ddlCountry, customer.CountryId);
                        CommonHelper.SelectListItem(this.ddlStateProvince, customer.StateProvinceId);
                        this.txtZipPostalCode.Text = customer.ZipPostalCode;

The second was to get the details from paypal directly with my solution: PayPal CHECKOUT Express

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