Post To Blog From iPhone

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13 yıl önce
Hi guys I know there are many iphone apps out there that allow you to post to your blog. I was wondering if anyone had configured it so that they could post to their nopcommerce blog from their iphone?

If so I'd be really interested to know how you set it up or which page/handler you could access to do so?
13 yıl önce
This can be done with a custom built module. We can build it for you. We develop mobile module for nopcommerce.
Please see more here:
13 yıl önce
The easiest way would be to implement the MetaWeblog API. There are numerous articles on the net explaining how to do this with ASP.NET.

Once done, you can use any number of iPhone blogging apps that support the metaweblog protocol.
13 yıl önce
Awesome post!!
Great way the all were suggesting here. Posting comments with your iphone is little bit of time consuming, so should try some other high quality of iphone like apple,and something like that.
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