
is there a way to use nopCommerce to pay for subscription and then after paypal confirmation to redirect from nopCommerce to subscribers website to finalize registration?

There are two way which are possible in my opinion to to that:

Option 1:

1. Click on subscribers website on icon 1 month subscribe
2. Redirect to nopCommerce product 1 month subscription
3. Pay by Paypal Express
4. Redirect to website and confirm it has been paid with expiry date and confirmation code
5. Register account and finish

Option 2:

1. Click on subscribers website on icon 1 month subscribe
2. Redirect to nopCommerce product 1 month subscription
3. Pay by Paypal Express
4. Show nopCommerce thank you for your order page with invoice. This invoice would have some Paypal generated code.
5. Buyer would save that code or write it down.
6. Buyer would go back to the subscribers website and click registration.
7. In registration there would be login, password and paypal confirmation code fields.
8. After clicking register code would query Paypal account whether there is payment confirmation with code Paypal has generated.
9. If success then finalize order.

Is this possible to do?
