Nop Commerce 1.9 - Entity Inheritance

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13 yıl önce

I'm currently trying to extend the NopCommerce model with a new class inheriting from Customer.
Normally in Entity Framework, this is not a problem regardless if you use model first or POCO.

I've tried both the Table-Per-Type and the Table-Per-Hierarchy approach, but I cannot get it to work with the NopCommerce data model.

Has anyone implemented something similar successfully? Any help is appreciated.

Best regards
/ Patrik Svensson
13 yıl önce
13 yıl önce
I've done this. I have my custom MyPicture class that inherits from Picture. Actually it's the same pictures stored in the same table, just including some more navigation properties.
What is your problem (compilation or run-time error)? Do you store your extended customers in the same or in a separate tabe? Do you use the same data model (edmx) or a separate one?
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