how can i call PhoneNumber in Current Shopping Carts in ADMIN?

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3 yıl önce
hello, please help me

i want to call address phone number to current shopping carts

i tried as in the code, tried to do the same as customer line which was already there and my version doesn't work

//details grid
                                detailInit: detailInit,
                                scrollable: false,
                                columns: [
                                        field: "CustomerId",
                                        title: "@T("Admin.CurrentCarts.Customer")",
                                        template: '<a href="@Url.Content("~/Admin/Customer/Edit/")#=CustomerId#">#:CustomerEmail#</a>'
                                    }, {
                    field: "PhoneNumber",
                                        title: "@T("Admin.Address.Fields.PhoneNumber")",
                    width: 150

how can i call customer phone number from address if there is a phone number?

by the way i am using nop 3.9

3 yıl önce
can some one help please?
3 yıl önce
how to call the Phone Number template and show the phone number?

field: "PhoneNumber",
title: "@T("Admin.Address.Fields.PhoneNumber")",
width: 150
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