Where fulltext search in nopCommerce 4.4?

2 yıl önce
In nopCommerce 4.3 I am using normally, but on nopCommerce version 4.4 I don't know where to set up fulltext search.

Please help me clarify?
2 yıl önce
It got removed in 4.40.x
2 yıl önce
Why did they drop that feature, while I used it from the first nopCommerce introduction to version 4.3
2 yıl önce
We've removed our implementation of fulltext search since we are no longer using stored procedures OOTB (see details here). We are going to add the infrastructure for third-party search providers in the next version.
2 yıl önce
I hope you will add basic search integration for end users using the No-Source version
2 yıl önce
RomanovM wrote:
We've removed our implementation of fulltext search since we are no longer using stored procedures OOTB (see details here). We are going to add the infrastructure for third-party search providers in the next version.

and now the search on the site has become terribly inconvenient
2 yıl önce
Please clarify "inconvenient"
2 yıl önce
New York wrote:
Please clarify "inconvenient"

now users cannot find the product on the site.

I sell books, frequent search for part of a book title + author or publisher. now such a search will not find anything

the site has become inconvenient for the buyer and he leaves
2 yıl önce
You can use third party search engine service like dooFinder, algolia etc to serve your requirement. We have integration for those.
Or you can modify search product method at least to enhance searching at some level.
2 yıl önce
WebMorda wrote:
Please clarify "inconvenient"

now users cannot find the product on the site.

I sell books, frequent search for part of a book title + author or publisher. now such a search will not find anything

the site has become inconvenient for the buyer and he leaves

You could use the third party extension to add full-text search.