Nopcommerce 1.7 - 1.9 No Linq Code

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13 yıl önce

I first modified 1.7 and found linq code that i could modify to make changes to what was requested to and from the database.

In nopcommerce 1.9, there is no linq code.  Why is that?  How is the information being retrieved from the database?

I am trying to replicate what i did in 1.7, in 1.9 (1.7 is too slow).  I used productmanager.cs and modified homepage products to retrieve a certain amount and in any random order.  I am unsure of how to do this under the new architecture.

Any help will go a long way.

13 yıl önce
1.9 uses linq. You need to look in ProductService.cs instead of productmanager.
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