Ambiguous Reference?

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13 yıl önce
I am getting a bunch of errors in the Nop.BusinessLogic project...

ProductVariant' is an ambiguous reference between 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Data.ProductVariant' and 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Products.ProductVariant' C:\Users\**********\Desktop\NopCommerce\Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Tax\TaxService.cs  76  36 Nop.BusinessLogic

I have 160 of these...

I do see that both using declarations are in the pages, but this has worked before...

Any ideas as to why these errors are occuring suddenly?


13 yıl önce
I've had this happen to me before,

there are .designer.cs files that have now become corrupt- happened to me because i made changes to the files outside of visual studio while visual studio was open.

I think I deleted mine and let visual studio recreate them, I don't remember exactly.  Be sure you make a backup before trying that though.
13 yıl önce
Thank you, however, designer files are for .NET web pages. They do not pertain to class files.
13 yıl önce
donato1026 wrote:
I am getting a bunch of errors in the Nop.BusinessLogic project...

ProductVariant' is an ambiguous reference between 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Data.ProductVariant' and 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Products.ProductVariant' C:\Users\**********\Desktop\NopCommerce\Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Tax\TaxService.cs  76  36 Nop.BusinessLogic

I have 160 of these...

I do see that both using declarations are in the pages, but this has worked before...

Any ideas as to why these errors are occuring suddenly?



Anybody has a solution to this, I have the same problem.... please help
12 yıl önce
Anyone? Hello?
12 yıl önce
Anyone? Hello?
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