How to restrict products from searches and categories

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1 yıl önce
Supposing I have a list of part numbers;

List<string> partnumbers=new List<string>;

And the product stored in the nopcommerce DB also have that partnumber as manufacturerpartnumber what is the best play for me to put something like :

where  manufacturerpartnumber == (partnumbers.any()) etc.

So only partnumber that match the manufacturerpartnumber are brought as results.

Keeping in mind it should not restrict the other functions such as gettingproduct for best seller,new products and so on.
1 yıl önce
Something to put in this function i believe:

 public virtual async Task<IPagedList<Product>> SearchProductsAsync(
            int pageIndex = 0,
            int pageSize = int.MaxValue,
            IList<int> categoryIds = null,
            IList<int> manufacturerIds = null,
            int storeId = 0,
            int vendorId = 0,
            int warehouseId = 0,
            ProductType? productType = null,
            bool visibleIndividuallyOnly = false,
            bool excludeFeaturedProducts = false,
            decimal? priceMin = null,
            decimal? priceMax = null,
            int productTagId = 0,
            string keywords = null,
            bool searchDescriptions = false,
            bool searchManufacturerPartNumber = true,
            bool searchSku = true,
            bool searchProductTags = false,
            int languageId = 0,
            IList<SpecificationAttributeOption> filteredSpecOptions = null,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position,
            bool showHidden = false,
            bool? overridePublished = null)
            //some databases don't support int.MaxValue
            if (pageSize == int.MaxValue)
                pageSize = int.MaxValue - 1;

            string ktype = _webHelper.QueryString<string>("ktype");
            string nodeID = _webHelper.QueryString<string>("nodeid");

            List<string> partnumbers = new List<string>();
            if (ktype != null && nodeID != null)
                partnumbers = await loadPartsForCar_Cat(ktype, nodeID);

            var productsQuery = _productRepository.Table;

            if (!showHidden)
                productsQuery = productsQuery.Where(p => p.Published);
            else if (overridePublished.HasValue)
                productsQuery = productsQuery.Where(p => p.Published == overridePublished.Value);

            //apply store mapping constraints
            productsQuery = await _storeMappingService.ApplyStoreMapping(productsQuery, storeId);

       // Something like below
            if (partnumbers.Count > 0)
                productsQuery = productsQuery.Where(p => p.ManufacturerPartNumber.Contains(partnumbers.Any()));

            //apply ACL constraints
            if (!showHidden)
                var customer = await _workContext.GetCurrentCustomerAsync();
                productsQuery = await _aclService.ApplyAcl(productsQuery, customer);

            productsQuery =
                from p in productsQuery
                where !p.Deleted &&
                    (!visibleIndividuallyOnly || p.VisibleIndividually) &&
                    (vendorId == 0 || p.VendorId == vendorId) &&
                        warehouseId == 0 ||
                            !p.UseMultipleWarehouses ? p.WarehouseId == warehouseId :
                                _productWarehouseInventoryRepository.Table.Any(pwi => pwi.WarehouseId == warehouseId && pwi.ProductId == p.Id)
                    ) &&
                    (productType == null || p.ProductTypeId == (int)productType) &&
                    (showHidden ||
                            DateTime.UtcNow >= (p.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc ?? DateTime.MinValue) &&
                            DateTime.UtcNow <= (p.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc ?? DateTime.MaxValue)
                    ) &&
                    (priceMin == null || p.Price >= priceMin) &&
                    (priceMax == null || p.Price <= priceMax)
                select p;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
                var langs = await _languageService.GetAllLanguagesAsync(showHidden: true);

                //Set a flag which will to points need to search in localized properties. If showHidden doesn't set to true should be at least two published languages.
                var searchLocalizedValue = languageId > 0 && langs.Count >= 2 && (showHidden || langs.Count(l => l.Published) >= 2);

                IQueryable<int> productsByKeywords;

                productsByKeywords =
                        from p in _productRepository.Table
                        where p.Name.Contains(keywords) ||
                            (searchDescriptions &&
                                (p.ShortDescription.Contains(keywords) || p.FullDescription.Contains(keywords))) ||
                            (searchManufacturerPartNumber && p.ManufacturerPartNumber == keywords) ||
                            (searchSku && p.Sku == keywords)
                        select p.Id;

                if (searchLocalizedValue)
                    productsByKeywords = productsByKeywords.Union(
                        from lp in _localizedPropertyRepository.Table
                        let checkName = lp.LocaleKey == nameof(Product.Name) &&
                        let checkShortDesc = searchDescriptions &&
                                        lp.LocaleKey == nameof(Product.ShortDescription) &&
                            lp.LocaleKeyGroup == nameof(Product) && lp.LanguageId == languageId && (checkName || checkShortDesc)

                        select lp.EntityId);

                //search by SKU for ProductAttributeCombination
                if (searchSku)
                    productsByKeywords = productsByKeywords.Union(
                        from pac in _productAttributeCombinationRepository.Table
                        where pac.Sku == keywords
                        select pac.ProductId);

                if (searchProductTags)
                    productsByKeywords = productsByKeywords.Union(
                        from pptm in _productTagMappingRepository.Table
                        join pt in _productTagRepository.Table on pptm.ProductTagId equals pt.Id
                        where pt.Name.Contains(keywords)
                        select pptm.ProductId

                    if (searchLocalizedValue)
                        productsByKeywords = productsByKeywords.Union(
                        from pptm in _productTagMappingRepository.Table
                        join lp in _localizedPropertyRepository.Table on pptm.ProductTagId equals lp.EntityId
                        where lp.LocaleKeyGroup == nameof(ProductTag) &&
                              lp.LocaleKey == nameof(ProductTag.Name) &&
                              lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords) &&
                              lp.LanguageId == languageId
                        select pptm.ProductId);

                productsQuery =
                    from p in productsQuery
                    join pbk in productsByKeywords on p.Id equals pbk
                    select p;

            if (categoryIds is not null)
                if (categoryIds.Contains(0))

                if (categoryIds.Any())
                    var productCategoryQuery =
                        from pc in _productCategoryRepository.Table
                        where (!excludeFeaturedProducts || !pc.IsFeaturedProduct) &&
                        group pc by pc.ProductId into pc
                        select new {
                            ProductId = pc.Key,
                            DisplayOrder = pc.First().DisplayOrder

                    productsQuery =
                        from p in productsQuery
                        join pc in productCategoryQuery on p.Id equals pc.ProductId
                        orderby pc.DisplayOrder, p.Name
                        select p;

            if (manufacturerIds is not null)
                if (manufacturerIds.Contains(0))

                if (manufacturerIds.Any())
                    var productManufacturerQuery =
                        from pm in _productManufacturerRepository.Table
                        where (!excludeFeaturedProducts || !pm.IsFeaturedProduct) &&
                        group pm by pm.ProductId into pm
                        select new {
                            ProductId = pm.Key,
                            DisplayOrder = pm.First().DisplayOrder

                    productsQuery =
                        from p in productsQuery
                        join pm in productManufacturerQuery on p.Id equals pm.ProductId
                        orderby pm.DisplayOrder, p.Name
                        select p;

            if (productTagId > 0)
                productsQuery =
                    from p in productsQuery
                    join ptm in _productTagMappingRepository.Table on p.Id equals ptm.ProductId
                    where ptm.ProductTagId == productTagId
                    select p;

            if (filteredSpecOptions?.Count > 0)
                var specificationAttributeIds = filteredSpecOptions
                    .Select(sao => sao.SpecificationAttributeId)

                foreach (var specificationAttributeId in specificationAttributeIds)
                    var optionIdsBySpecificationAttribute = filteredSpecOptions
                        .Where(o => o.SpecificationAttributeId == specificationAttributeId)
                        .Select(o => o.Id);

                    var productSpecificationQuery =
                        from psa in _productSpecificationAttributeRepository.Table
                        where psa.AllowFiltering && optionIdsBySpecificationAttribute.Contains(psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId)
                        select psa;

                    productsQuery =
                        from p in productsQuery
                        where productSpecificationQuery.Any(pc => pc.ProductId == p.Id)
                        select p;
            return await productsQuery.OrderBy(_localizedPropertyRepository, await _workContext.GetWorkingLanguageAsync(), orderBy).ToPagedListAsync(pageIndex, pageSize);

Just need the write piece of code / place where it works in all conditions.
1 yıl önce
ehsankayani wrote:
...Keeping in mind it should not restrict the other functions such as gettingproduct for best seller,new products and so on.

Well that's always a problem, since SearchProductsAsync is used by many features.  You may need to put your "filter" after the calls to SearchProductsAsync, but then the problem is that the "paging" may not work correctly.    So you may have to introduce another (optional) parameter for SearchProductsAsync, and set it when needed by the caller(s).
1 yıl önce
2 Things.

If I can add parameter and get it working than what will be the actual code lines to make it work how do I match / make query to do :

where manufacturerepartnumbers= partnumber.any() etc?

where partnumber is  
1 yıl önce
I believe it should be
productsQuery = productsQuery.Where(p => partnumbers.Contains(p.ManufacturerPartNumber))
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