How do we stop International Shipping showing as default?

1 yıl önce
I think I've found what was wrong. In admin page /Admin/Shipping/Restrictions
The box was ticked for International Shipping under UK and the rest of the world was Standard. I think there lies the problem!
I have reset the values so that the UK is standard and the rest of the world International and this has resolved the issue.
1 yıl önce
Good catch!
Others have made similar mistake in the past, because the 'fine print' says "... not available"
Please mark the checkbox(es) ... in which you want the shipping method(s) not available
1 yıl önce
I agree, it is worded incorrectly and swaping it around did indeed fix the problem. Mind you it now  defaults as "SHIPPING: (CLICK & COLLECT)  £0.00" which is better but still not ideal. It would be best if it said "to be calculated at checkout" or something similar.
1 yıl önce
Hi Brian,
RE: "to be calculated at checkout" I think will come down to options
If there is only one shipping option possible then it will display that option
Maybe in this case the only option available is  "SHIPPING: (CLICK & COLLECT) 0.00" so it is displayed
If there are a number of Shipping options possible then it should display "Calculated during checkout"

When you go through the Checkout does it present a number of options or only the one ?

[email protected] wrote:
forgot to add that Limit shipping methods to configured ones is checked

Also what happens if you switch this off ?
1 yıl önce
Thanks Andrew, but if you view earlier posts you will see there are other shipping options. Three in total; international, standard and collect.
Toggling on and off "Limit shipping methods" does not change the text.
They can live with it the way it is because at least this shows a Zero rate rather nan £14.99 which would be off putting, though if this can be improved further that would be a bonus.
1 yıl önce
As per Yidna, it is supposed to work like "If there is only one shipping option possible then it will display that option".  So, try accessing the site with an Incognito (In-private) browser session and see if you get the same results.  (Because, maybe your 'selection is cached')
1 yıl önce
Thanks dennis, tried in private but same "click and collect" result
1 yıl önce
But what happens when you get to the Selecting of Shipping Options when going through the Checkout
Is there only one selection available or multiple options ?
1 yıl önce
Those changes messed it up. We are getting international orders that chose "click and collect". I suggested to the staff that they reply saying "thank you for your order, we look forward to seeing you in store, when is you flight was arriving?"
Resetting the checkboxes as instructed "Please mark the checkbox(es) for the country or countries in which you want the shipping method(s) not available" we now have UK unchecked for Click and Collect and Standard and checked for international. All other countries are checked for  Click and Collect and Standard and unchecked for International.
Choosing the Estimate Shipping and inputting data returns the correct amounts and at the Checkout the correct options are available, but we are back to the default, before completing the checkout listing the International Shipping. That is back to the original problem where the £14.99 cost is putting people off and unless they progress further they never discover that to them shipping might be free or considerably less.
1 yıl önce
Also tried checking and unchecking "Limit shipping methods to configured ones" but that made no difference to the displayed Internalional Shipping.