NopCommerce html, css file are not loading when I first install

4 ay önce
when I first install 4.60 using windows integrated authentication, Nopcommerce homepage not correctly align and even whenever I any other menu or try to anyother pages , not linking or directing that pages, can anyone help me please, I download and install several time with different version but didn't get fix it for the last 4 days. Please help me how to fix this, screen shot added below.
4 ay önce
Check the setting in App Settings
See Bundling & minimization > Cache directory
Make sure this is a real directory on your server that can be accessed
4 ay önce
I checked
there is sitemap.config along with other folder : Components, Controllers, Factories, Helpers, Infrastructure, Models, Validators, Views
I didn't find Admin folder in anyother location in project,
there Appsettings.json file under Nop.Web->App_Data

Didnot work anything

and one thing, when I inspected
I am getthing the following error under console

shoes:1 Refused to apply style from 'https://localhost:44369/css/ws7nj0xewle_twu0tmnzfw.styles.css?v=DGlHXCalRrf8sIvbVDL1tN-fPmw' because its MIME type ('text/plain') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
ah88wkmhn5k-k51ur8rjog.scripts.js?v=Ov3BfbOES_U-8AgcthArghsRj9o:21 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.0
can you please help me
4 ay önce
Not in the code look at the Settings in Administration system
4 ay önce
this is the content of the appsetting.json file

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "ConnectionString": "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=NopCommerce4.60Lv;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security Info=False;Trust Server Certificate=True",
    "DataProvider": "sqlserver",
    "SQLCommandTimeout": 500
  "AzureBlobConfig": {
    "ConnectionString": "",
    "ContainerName": "",
    "EndPoint": "",
    "AppendContainerName": true,
    "StoreDataProtectionKeys": false,
    "DataProtectionKeysContainerName": "",
    "DataProtectionKeysVaultId": ""
  "CacheConfig": {
    "DefaultCacheTime": 60,
    "ShortTermCacheTime": 3,
    "BundledFilesCacheTime": 120
  "CommonConfig": {
    "DisplayFullErrorStack": false,
    "UserAgentStringsPath": "~/App_Data/browscap.xml",
    "CrawlerOnlyUserAgentStringsPath": "~/App_Data/browscap.crawlersonly.xml",
    "UseSessionStateTempDataProvider": false,
    "MiniProfilerEnabled": false,
    "ScheduleTaskRunTimeout": null,
    "StaticFilesCacheControl": "public,max-age=31536000",
    "PluginStaticFileExtensionsBlacklist": "",
    "ServeUnknownFileTypes": false,
    "UseAutofac": true
  "DistributedCacheConfig": {
    "DistributedCacheType": "redis",
    "Enabled": false,
    "ConnectionString": ",ssl=False",
    "SchemaName": "dbo",
    "TableName": "DistributedCache"
  "HostingConfig": {
    "UseProxy": false,
    "ForwardedProtoHeaderName": "",
    "ForwardedForHeaderName": "",
    "KnownProxies": ""
  "InstallationConfig": {
    "DisableSampleData": false,
    "DisabledPlugins": "",
    "InstallRegionalResources": true
  "PluginConfig": {
    "UseUnsafeLoadAssembly": true
  "WebOptimizer": {
    "EnableJavaScriptBundling": true,
    "EnableCssBundling": true,
    "JavaScriptBundleSuffix": ".scripts",
    "CssBundleSuffix": ".styles",
    "EnableCaching": true,
    "EnableMemoryCache": true,
    "EnableDiskCache": true,
    "EnableTagHelperBundling": false,
    "CdnUrl": null,
    "CacheDirectory": "D:\\C#_all\\nopCommerce_4.60.0_Source\\src\\Presentation\\Nop.Web\\wwwroot\\bundles",
    "AllowEmptyBundle": true,
    "HttpsCompression": 2

the following is the content of the index.html file
<!DOCTYPE html>

I gave write permission to all file and folder that was suggested in the documentation but still
getting that my ui is not load in corrected form
didn't find any hints anywhere
4 ay önce
can you give an screen shot please what do you want to mean or suggest
4 ay önce
These are the same settings you can access from Admin

This is the Setting I was referring to
"CacheDirectory": "D:\\C#_all\\nopCommerce_4.60.0_Source\\src\\Presentation\\Nop.Web\\wwwroot\\bundles",

Does this directory exist on your server ?
If it does you should see files in the directory which are the CSS and JScript bundles

4 ay önce
in Nop.web\wwwroot\css\admin\images,style.css, styles.rtl.css
4 ay önce
  "CacheDirectory": "D:\\C#_all\\nopCommerce_4.60.0_Source\\src\\Presentation\\Nop.Web\\wwwroot\\bundles",
this directory is exist but not loading
when debug through developer tool inspect
it giving me the error: shoes:1 Refused to apply style from 'https://localhost:44369/css/ws7nj0xewle_twu0tmnzfw.styles.css?v=DGlHXCalRrf8sIvbVDL1tN-fPmw' because its MIME type ('text/plain') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
ah88wkmhn5k-k51ur8rjog.scripts.js?v=Ov3BfbOES_U-8AgcthArghsRj9o:21 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.0

changes accordingly but didn't work,
4 ay önce
What version are you using - If 4.60.0 ?
Maybe try 4.60.5 as I think there was issues with this bundling stuff fixed in later versions