Adding Product Specifications at once when creating a product?

1 ay önce
I use version 4.6.60

I want to create a lot of products manually, but my problem is that when I add product specifications it takes a lot of time going to the specification page, saving them and going back to product edit page...

Is there a way to add specifications at once?

Maybe in this file \Areas\Admin\Views\Product\_CreateOrUpdate.cshtml I could create inputs or something to add specifications by their IDs at once when saving a product?
Maybe smth like this: SpecificationNameId = 145, SpecificationOptionId = 1458 and etc..

I think you understand my need.

If it is possible to do it without changing the source code, please help me!

Thank you in advance.
1 ay önce
There is no UI for entering product specification ids.
There are some third party plugins or apps like nopAdmin that can make it easier to enter specification attributes for a product. (But they cost $'s)

One way to speed up the entry is to Shift-click the "Add attribute" button to launch another browser.  This way, when you Save, you can then close that browser and be back at the product page to shift-click the Add button again.  (Although that page won't yet show any newly added attributes until you refresh the page.)   I suppose if you're going to add a lot of attributes to the same product, you could "bookmark the tab" when you first get to the Add page (note that the URL's query has productId=), and then use Save and Continue, and then click bookmark again.

The Excel Import supports importing product specification attributes, but it does require adding an outline/group level under the product row.  Export one of your products having a specification attribute, and you can expand the outline/group in Excel.
(Be sure you have selected: Admin > Catalog settings > Export/Import products with specification attributes)

Here's a related discussion that mentions the Excel Import, and also suggests that it can be done via SQL (but you'll need good SQL knowledge of the nopCommerce DB)
4 hafta önce

I believe the best option for you to do it without modifying source code is using importing products with specification attributes. Check about exporting/importing products and enabling the settings that allows to export/import with specification attributes.

4 hafta önce
There is a third party plugin that an also help you.