Cant change Connectionstring

3 hafta önce
I downloaded the 4.6 release source code and am able to run it with visual studio 2022.
All works until I want to change the Connectionstring.
I created 2 databases for me to work with. One with demo data and the other for me to add my own data. I created the databases with the install process of NopCommerce. I want to be able to swop between the two databases by changing the database name in the Connectionstring in the AppSettings.json file, but I am not able to.
When I change the DB name in the Connectionstring then the app stops working. If I change it back again then it works fine again. In a nutshell I can only use the DB that I last created with the install process.
I have spent days now trying to figure out why. Even when I debug I notice that the connection string is read correctly, but as soon as the app starts after app.Run();
Does nothing. Opens the browser with nothing and no response.
Why am I having this issue. I would like to be able to change between the 2 db’s.

This page isn’t working
localhost didn’t send any data.

I also get in the console the following message:
"info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker[3]
      Authorization failed for the request at filter 'Nop.Web.Framework.Mvc.Filters.HttpsRequirementAttribute+HttpsRequirementFilter'."

Please help.

Thank you

3 hafta önce
Did you try debugging the application with the problematic database? If so, where does it break?
Also, can you check the store table in the database and ensure that both of the tables are identical and have the same sslEnabled and storeUrl set?

3 hafta önce
Aaahhh. Thank you. It was a Issue with the SSL url and the normal url.
It kept on loading the wrong url.

Set both DB's to use no SSL and same Url and working now