Error task with send emails,keep alive,...

2 hafta önce
I have a lot of errors in my logs.
After checking, I have the following errors:
The scheduled task "Keep alive" failed with the error "Address not available (localhost:8012)" (Task type: "Nop.Services.Common.KeepAliveTask, Nop.Services". Store name: "Your store name".
Task execution address: "http://localhost:8012/scheduletask/runtask"). 04/28/2024 18:21:31 Error The scheduled task "Delete guests" failed with the error "Address not available (localhost:8012)" (Task type: "Nop.Services.Customers.DeleteGuestsTask, Nop.Services". Store name: "Your store name".
Task execution address: "http://localhost:8012/scheduletask/runtask"). 04/28/2024 18:21:29 Error The scheduled task "Send emails" failed with the error "Address not available (localhost:8012)" (Task type: "Nop.Services.Messages.QueuedMessagesSendTask, Nop.Services". Store name: "Your store name".
Task execution address: "http://localhost:8012/scheduletask/runtask"). It seems that most of my tasks are not working.

My store url it's : http://localhost:8012.
My docker compose:
version: "3.4"
          context: nopcommerce  # Chemin vers le dossier contenant le Dockerfile commun
          dockerfile: Dockerfile
        container_name: nopcommerce
            - "8012:80"        
            - nopcommerce_database
        restart: unless-stopped
          - nopcommerce_data:/app/App_Data
          - reseau-interne

Thanks for your help
1 hafta önce
RE: "Address not available..."
See if this helps:
1 hafta önce
The “Address not available” error suggests the tasks can’t reach the server at localhost:8012. To fix this, ensure your Docker service is running and accessible. If it’s running, try using instead of localhost:8012 in your task configuration to listen on all network interfaces. Also, check if there’s a firewall or network configuration blocking access to that address. MyDestinyCard