Linux ngnix configuration SSL issue Too Many redirects

3 hafta önce
we have nopCommerce 4.6 which is on an nginx Linux server and configured the server to have SSL, but when we run the setting in Stores -> Enable SSL it returns Too Many Redirects.

We tried using UseProxy enabled in AppSettings.

The site works WITH SSL, but the use SSL setting is not indicated in the Store, and this is a problem.

Any ideas and solutions?

3 hafta önce
Something here?
3 hafta önce
Try to look at this pull request. There you will find suggestions for changes, and links to discussions, issues, and forum topics. Perhaps this will be useful for you.
3 hafta önce
RomanovM wrote:
Try to look at this pull request. There you will find suggestions for changes, and links to discussions, issues, and forum topics. I think this will be useful for you.

I'm sorry, but this doesn't work for me.

Here is more info:
I log HttpsRequirementAttribute.CheckHttpsRequirementAsync

and return Current connections is secure = false

After that log the HTTP CONTEXT and is null for that return false on connections is secure = false

Why not check context.HttpContext.Request is it HttpS instead of _webHelper.IsCurrentConnectionSecured(); ?
2 hafta önce
nopCommerce team, something here?