BackOrder (out of stock) notifications (

BackOrder (out of stock) notifications (
5.0 2
Finally, there is an effective way to deal with backordered (out of stock) products and partial shipments!
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支持的版本: 4.10, 4.20, 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
创建于 五月 31,2016
最后更新: 五月 01,2024

BackOrder (out of stock) notifications

Effective way to deal with backordered (out of stock) products (FOXNETSOFT.COM)


This plugin will automatically notify your customers about items in their order which are not included in the shipment.
Customer orders the new iPhone6, a charger, and a protective case.
You prepare a shipment for the iPhone6 and the charger, but the protective cases are out of stock.
You mark the items as shipped, which triggers the ShipmentSent.CustomerNotification message template.
The new message template shows "Partial shipment" in the subject. The message template includes a token to display the items included in the shipment, as well as a new token to display the item(s) which are backordered.

Also included is a button for manual operation which allows store admins to immediately trigger an email to their customers informing them that their order cannot yet be fulfilled.
This is especially useful for scenarios in which all items in the order are out of stock and you want to inform the customer about the delay before they can complain.


Supported nopCommerce 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.40, 4.30, 4.20, 4.10

Fully localizable using extermal XML files

Multi-store support

Free Trial

1 year free support and upgrades since purchase date

Performance optimization

Easy setup and customization

Fast support

About US

We did more than 95 plugins for nopcommerce during last three years. Check out portfolio.

[email protected] 2016/6/9 下午2:41
Great plugin
This plugin solves the backorder communication problem with customers. Customer receives either an email that order is completely shipped or an other email that order is partially shipped with info about shipped products and backorder products. Great plugin.
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embryo 2016/5/31 下午4:05
We have been wanting this to be added as a core feature in nop for many versions, but at least it is now possible with a plugin! Many hundreds of times each year we have customers call us to ask "where are the missing items from my shipment" because the default shipment-sent message template in nop does not indicate that it is only a partial shipment, or which items are back-ordered. Excellent work!
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